A Vagrant plugin that ensures a given script is run before anything else on a Vagrant environment. This is useful if you want to fix issues around requiretty in sudoers, or doing a one-off fix for a Vagrant bo.
The plugin should work correctly with all providers, but right now the acceptance tests are only setup for Virtualbox. However, from my quick tests it works with the following Vagrant providers:
- VirtualBox (part of core)
- AWS (ships in vagrant-aws plugin)
- Rackspace (ships in vagrant-rackspace plugin)
- VMWare Fusion (can be purchased from Hashicorp)
- LXC (ships in vagrant-lxc)
- OpenStack (ships in vagrant-openstack-plugin)
- Digital Ocean (ships in vagrant-digitalocean)
- Parallels Desktop (ships in vagrant-parallels)
Ensure you have downloaded and installed Vagrant 1.1 or newer from the Vagrant downloads page.
Installation is performed in the prescribed manner for Vagrant 1.1 plugins.
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-adam
The Vagrant Adam plugin automatically hooks into the Vagrant provisioning
middleware, and it's setup to always run before the Vagrant::Action::Builtin::SyncedFolders
process (I believe it's unique in this fact!)
To run a particular script, you specify the path or URL of the script you want to run
Path on host machine
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.adam.provision_url = '/tmp/'
Url of script
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.adam.provision_url = ''
Contributing and Tests
Getting Help
- If you have an issue: report it on the issue tracker
- Peter Souter
Thank you to all of our Contributors, testers, and users.
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