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Enables Vagrant to manage machines in Deltacloud Cloud.


~> 0.5.2
>= 0
~> 3.1.0
~> 1.0.1
~> 1.18.0


= 0.7.3
= 1.7.7
~> 1.6.0
= 1.6.1
 Project Readme


Vagrant Deltacloud Cloud Provider


This provider supports creating and destroying instances, suspend and resume, and Deltacloud specific listing commands. Volume management commands are not tested yet.


  • Test and fix volume management commands.
  • Fix the automatic tests.
  • Fix the error messages for the error situations. Now all errors give tangentially relevant stacktraces only.


This is a Vagrant 1.4+ plugin that adds a Deltacloud provider to Vagrant, allowing Vagrant to control and provision machines within Deltacloud cloud.

Note: This plugin was originally forked from

This plugin is made to work for example with Cybercom Deltacloud API:


  • Create and boot Deltacloud instances
  • SSH into the instances
  • Provision the instances with any built-in Vagrant provisioner
  • Minimal synced folder support via rsync


Install using standard Vagrant 1.1+ plugin installation methods. After installing, vagrant up and specify the deltacloud provider. An example is shown below.

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-deltacloud-provider
$ vagrant up --provider=deltacloud

Of course prior to doing this, you'll need to obtain a Deltacloud-compatible box file for Vagrant. For example here:

Quick Start

After installing the plugin (instructions above), the quickest way to get started is to specify all the details manually within a config.vm.provider block in the Vagrantfile

Create a Vagrantfile that looks like the following, filling in your information where necessary.

This Vagrantfile shows the minimal needed configuration.

require 'vagrant-deltacloud-provider'

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|       = 'deltacloud'
  config.ssh.username = 'ec2-user'

  config.vm.provider :deltacloud do |dc|
    dc.deltacloud_api_url = ''
    dc.username           = 'myDeltacloudUser'
    dc.password           = 'myDeltacloudPassword'
    dc.tenant_name        = 'myTenant'
    dc.hardware_profile   = 'M-60'
    dc.image              = 'ubuntu1404_qcow2_64_141105.ubuntu1404-IaaS-publish-22'

And then run vagrant up --provider=deltacloud.

Note that normally a lot of this boilerplate is encoded within the box file, but the box file used for the quick start, the "dummy" box, has no preconfigured defaults.


This provider exposes quite a few provider-specific configuration options:


  • username - The username with which to access Deltacloud.
  • password - The API key for accessing Deltacloud.
  • tenant_name - The Deltacloud project name to work on
  • deltacloud_url - The Deltacloud endpoint.

VM Configuration

  • server_name - The name of the server within Deltacloud Cloud. This defaults to the name of the Vagrant machine (via config.vm.define), but can be overridden with this.
  • hardware_profile - The name of the hardware_profile to use for the VM
  • image - The name of the image to use for the VM
  • user_data - String of User data to be sent to the newly created Deltacloud instance. Use this e.g. to inject a script at boot time.
  • metadata - A Hash of metadata that will be sent to the instance for configuration e.g. os.metadata = { 'key' => 'value' }


Networking features in the form of are not supported with vagrant-deltacloud, currently. If any of these are specified, Vagrant will emit a warning, but will otherwise boot the Deltacloud server.


  • volumes - Volume list that have to be attached to the server. You can provide volume id or name. However, in Deltacloud a volume name is not unique, thus if there are two volumes with the same name in your project the plugin will fail. If so, you have to use only ids. Optionally, you can specify the device that will be assigned to the volume.

Here comes an example that show six volumes attached to a server :

config.vm.provider :deltacloud do |dc|
dc.volumes = [
    id: '410096ff-ef71-4ca4-8006-e5bd9e99239a',
    device: '/dev/vdc'
    name: 'vol-name-04',
    device: '/dev/vde'
    name: 'vol-name-05'
    id: '9e419e91-8f66-4803-bc45-4600182cfd8d'

SSH authentication

You will most likely want to let the Vagrant provider to automatically create the key pair and publish the public key to the cloud for you. In that case, just leave out the authentication options. The following configuration options are for more complex use cases only.

  • public_key_name - The name of the key pair register in Deltacloud to associate with the VM. The public key should be the matching pair for the private key configured with config.ssh.private_key_path on Vagrant.
  • public_key_path - if public_key_name is not provided, the path to the public key will be used by vagrant to generate a public key on the Deltacloud cloud. The public key will be destroyed when the VM is destroyed.

If neither public_key_name nor public_key_path are set, vagrant will generate a new ssh key and automatically import it in Deltacloud.

  • ssh_disabled - if set to true, all ssh actions managed by the provider will be disabled. We recommend to use this option only to create private VMs that won't be accessed directly from vagrant. Some actions might still want to connect with SSH (provisioners...). In this case, we will just warn you that the ssh action is likely to fail, but we won't forbid it

Synced folders

  • sync_method - Specify the synchronization method for shared folder between the host and the remote VM. Currently, it can be "rsync" or "none". The default value is "rsync". If your Deltacloud image does not include rsync, you must set this parameter to "none".
  • rsync_includes - If sync_method is set to "rsync", this parameter give the list of local folders to sync on the remote VM.

There is minimal support for synced folders. Upon vagrant up, vagrant reload, and vagrant provision, the Deltacloud provider will use rsync (if available) to uni-directionally sync the folder to the remote machine over SSH.

This is good enough for all built-in Vagrant provisioners (shell, chef, and puppet) to work!

Vagrant standard configuration

There are some standard configuration options that this provider takes into account when creating and connecting to Deltacloud machines

  • - A box is not mandatory for this provider. However, if you are running Vagrant before version 1.6, vagrant will not start if this property is not set. In this case you can assign any value to it. See section "Box Format" to know more about boxes.
  • config.vm.box_url - URL of the box when it is necessary
  • ssh.username - Username used by vagrant for SSH login
  • ssh.port - Default SSH port is 22. If set, this option will override the default for SSH login
  • ssh.private_key_path - If set, vagrant will use this private key path to SSH on the machine. If you set this option, the public_key_path option of the provider should be set.

Box Format

Every provider in Vagrant must introduce a custom box format. This provider introduces deltacloud boxes. You can view an example box in the example_box/ directory. That directory also contains instructions on how to build a box.

The box format is basically just the required metadata.json file along with a Vagrantfile that does default settings for the provider-specific configuration for this provider.

Custom commands

Custom commands are provided for Deltacloud. Type vagrant deltacloud to show available commands.

$ vagrant deltacloud

Usage: vagrant deltacloud command

Available subcommands:
     image-list             List available images
     instance-list          List available instances
     hardware_profile-list  List available hardware_profiles
     network-list           List private networks in project
     volume-list            List existing volumes
     reset                  Reset Vagrant Deltacloud provider to a clear state

For instance vagrant deltacloud image-list lists images available in Glance.

$ vagrant deltacloud image-list

| 'Id'                                 | 'Name'              |
| 594f1287-9de3-4f3e-b82a-6ad223943ab2 | ubuntu-12.04_x86_64 |
| 3e5aca4a-bf12-4721-87df-7bc8fd1fc36c | debian7_x86_64      |
| 3e561121-d8d0-4328-b319-7076bfb3b18a | ubuntu-14.04_x86_64 |
| 5c576643-7ea3-49db-b1c0-9b245d955ee0 | rhel65_x86_64       |
| d3145dd5-654a-4936-b421-9333f02ae66c | centos6_x86_64      |



To work on the vagrant-deltacloud plugin, clone this repository out, and use Bundler to get the dependencies:

Note: Vagrant 1.6 requires bundler version < 1.7. We recommend using last 1.6 version.

$ gem install bundler -v 1.6.8

Install the plugin dependencies

$ bundle install

Once you have the dependencies, verify the unit tests pass with rake:

$ bundle exec rake

If those pass, you're ready to start developing the plugin. You can test the plugin without installing it into your Vagrant environment by just creating a Vagrantfile in the top level of this directory (it is gitignored) that uses it, and uses bundler to execute Vagrant:

$ bundle exec vagrant up --provider=deltacloud



To enable all Vagrant logs set environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to the desire log level (for instance VAGRANT_LOG=debug). If you want only Deltacloud provider logs use the variable VAGRANT_DELTACLOUD_LOG. if both variables are set, VAGRANT_LOG takes precedence.

CentOS/RHEL/Fedora (sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo)

The default configuration of the RHEL family of Linux distributions requires a tty in order to run sudo. Vagrant does not connect with a tty by default, so you may experience the error:

sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

The best way to take deal with this error is to upgrade to Vagrant 1.4 or later, and enable:

config.ssh.pty = true