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Enables Vagrant to manage Turbo containers


~> 1.10
~> 10.0
~> 3.3
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Vagrant Turbo Provisioner

Enable Vagrant to manage Turbo containers.

The plugin supports a subset of features available in Turbo Console and Turbo Shell which are reasonable in provisioning a virtual machine:

  • Install the latest version of the Turbo Plugin
  • Login to the Turbo Hub
  • Run a Turbo container
  • Add an image to the local repository
  • Build an image using Turbo Shell
  • Manage quota for remote shells

Remaining sections will explain how to install vagrant-turbo plugin on a host machine, configure the provisioner and setup development environment.


Author used Vagrant 1.7.4 and Virtual Box 4.3.34. At that time Vagrant didn't officially support Virtual Box 5.0.

  • Run vagrant plugin install vagrant-turbo in command prompt to install the plugin.
> vagrant plugin install vagrant-turbo
Installing the 'vagrant-turbo' plugin. This can take a few minutes...
Installed the plugin 'vagrant-turbo (0.0.1.pre)'!

Known issues

  • Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! - VirtualBox installer didn't add C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox to the system PATH environment variable, fix it manually.


All code listings presented in this document are modifications of turbo block from the Vagrantfile provided below. The beginning and end of the file remain the same and were removed from code listings for better readability.

To get a complete Vagrantfile paste the code snippet into turbo block. In the example below turbo block contains only a comment TODO: Configure Vagrant Turbo Provisioner.

BASE_BOX = "opentable/win-2012r2-standard-amd64-nocm"

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
  config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v|
    v.gui = true
	v.memory = 4096
  config.vm.box = BASE_BOX
  config.vm.communicator = :winrm
  config.vm.guest = :windows
  config.vm.network :forwarded_port, host: 33389, guest: 3389, id: "rdp", auto_correct: true

  config.vm.provision :turbo do |turbo|
    # TODO: Configure Vagrant Turbo Provisioner

Install the latest version of Turbo Plugin

Turbo provisioner always checks whether turbo is installed on guest machine and installs the latest Turbo Plugin release if the tool was not found.


Operations on containers require login to the Turbo Hub. Provisioner will perform this task if username and password are defined in the login block.

turbo.login :b do |b|
    b.username = "username"
    b.password = "password"

Run a Turbo container

Provisioner will run a container according to configuration defined in run block. Vagrantfile must be compliant with Ruby language syntax, so original turbo run parameters were renamed according to rules below:

  • quote paramter values
  • use lists [] to provide multiple values
  • assign true to no argument switches
  • strip prefix --
  • replace hyphen - by underscore _
  • don't use aliases
turbo.run :r do |r|
	r.images = ["clean"]
	r.using = ["chocolatey/chocolatey","microsoft/powershell"]
	r.name = "chocolatey-pre"
	r.disable_sync = true
	r.attach = true
	r.inline = "choco install chocolatey -pre -yes"

turbo run parameters were explained in the reference.

Vagrant extension offers extra arguments which simplify execution of bat and PowerShell scripts inside a container.

To execute a single statement in the container console pass it using inline argument.

turbo.run :r do |r|
	r.images = ["clean"]
    r.temp = true
	r.disable_sync = true
	r.attach = true
	r.inline = "ECHO Turbo.net"

To execute a bat or PowerShell script set path to the script file on host machine. To run PowerShell scripts the interpreter must be available inside the container. If PowerShell is not available by default add microsoft/powershell to the list of images or temporary dependencies.

powershell_args can be used to pass extra parameters to PowerShell interpreter. Provisioner by default adds -ExecutionPolicy Bypass and -OutputFormat Text unless other values were set in powershell_args for these parameters.

turbo.run :r do |r|
	r.images = ["clean"]
	r.using = ["microsoft/powershell"]
    r.temp = true
	r.disable_sync = true
	r.attach = true
	r.path = "C:\\sources\\script.ps1"
	r.powershell_args = "-OutputFormat XML"

Using path, inline, startup_file parameters together in one run block is currently not supported.

Add an image to the local repository

Define import block to build an image from the specified file on guest machine and add it to the local repository. Supported file formats include exe, msi and svm.

turbo.import :i do |i|
    i.name = "chocolatey/chocolatey"
    i.path = "C:\\vagrant\\chocolatey.svm"
    i.overwrite = true
    i.format = "svm"

Detailed specification of turbo import is described in reference.

Build an image using Turbo Shell

shell block allows to specify Turbo Shell instructions which should be executed in provisioning. Instructions can be defined in TurboScript or passed inline.

turbo.shell :s do |s|
    s.path = "C:\\sources\\turbo.me"

TurboScript file should be available on host machine.

	turbo.shell :s do |s|
		s.inline = <<-EOS
layer clean
using wget
setworkdir C:\\
cmd wget.exe http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/7z920.exe
env path="@PROGRAMFILESX86@\\7-zip"
startup file ("@PROGRAMFILESX86@\\7-zip\\7zFM.exe")
cmd del C:\\7z920.exe /Q
commit --no-base --overwrite 7zip

Check TurboScript reference to get the complete list of available commands.

Manage quota for remote shells

Vagrant executes provisioning using Windows Remote Management (WinRM). This environment is restricted by a set of quotas including maximum amount of memory allocated per shell. For more information about quota management for remote shell refer to MSDN article. We recommend to keep the default value of 1024MB for MaxMemoryPerShellMB quota. If your application requires more virtual memory you can change the setting yourself in operating system or configure the provisioner to do so, unless the quota is protected by a Group Policy.

turbo.max_memory_per_shell = 2048

If the provisioning failed because of System.StackOverFlowException or System.OutOfMemoryException we recommend to increase MaxMemoryPerShellMB quota.



  • Install Ruby 2.0 or above
  • Install RubyGems 2.5 or above
  • Confirm that previous steps ran correctly
  • Install Gems: Bundler and Rake
> ruby --version
> gem --version
> gem install bundler
> bundle --version
> gem install rake


Install plugin dependencies


Create Gem package

gem build vagrant-turbo.gemspec

Run Vagrant command using local build of the plugin

bundle exec <Vagrant command>


Update the version number in version.rb Run rake release

The program should ask for GitHub credentials to create a Git tag for the version, push local Git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.

If you release the plugin for the first time push to rubygems.org may fail because of missing credentials. In that case push the Gem manually.

gem push .\pkg\vagrant-turbo-<version>.gem

Build locally

gem build vagrant-turbo.gemspec

Run local build in Vagrant context

bundle exec <vagrant command>


Author: Turbo.net (support@turbo.net)
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2015 Turbo.net
License: Apache License, Version 2.0

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.