Simple validator that validates hashes
I needed a simple validation utility that i can use to validate params, json etc. So i am creating one.
It should provide an easy way to add additional validations
module Validation module Rules def my_custom_validation(field, message='') callback = lambda do | data | if data[field] == something_special true else false end end validates(field, callback, message) end end end
It can reuse defined validations when defining one
module Validation module Rules def validates_numericality_of(field, message='') validates_presence_of(field) validates_format_of(field, /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/ end end end
It should provide some predefined validations
- validates_presence_of - checks if the field is present and it is not nil or empty string
- validates_confirmation_of - checks if a field is confirmed by checking filed_confirmation value
- validates_format_of - checks if a field is in a given format
- validates_numericality_of - checks if a field is a correct number format
- validates_greather_then - checks if a field is greather then some value
- validates_less_then - checks if a field is less then some value
- validates_length_of_within - checks if the length is in some bounds
- validates_option_in - checks if the field is one of allowed options
For additional info check the specs for usage validates simple specs
License: MIT