Valley Rails Generator
The Valley Rails Generator is a project heavily based on suspenders by thoughtbot and used to generate our base rails applications at OSU Libraries & Press.
It includes our common testing solutions and what we consider "best practice" defaults.
Install the gem
gem install valley-rails-generator
To run the generator use:
valleyrailsgen projectname
This will create a Rails 3.2 app in projectname
. This script creates a new git repository. It is not meant to be used against an existing repo.
The following are system dependencies required for this generator to work:
- Ruby 1.9.2 or greater
- PhantomJS (for capybara's poltergeist driver)
This generator installs a variety of gems, primarily for testing purposes.
- RSpec for unit testing
- Shoulda-Matchers for commonly used single-line rspec tests.
- Factory Girl for factory generation.
- Capybara for integration testing.
- Poltergeist for headless javascript testing.
- simplecov for test coverage reports.
- Guard and guard-rspec for automated running of tests.
- Spring for Rails preloading (integrated with guard-rspec).
- Better_Errors for improved error pages in development.
- Jazz Hands for a combination of pry tools to improve the Rails console in development.
- Active Model Serializers for defining the JSON output of a model.
- Yard for tag-based in-code documentation.
- Simple Form for easier form generation.