Versionary - a simple gem that allows you to compare version numbers
This was extracted from the RiverGlide ruby template project
A simple, comparable, rational, version number object.
Allows you to do things like this:
raise "not the right version" unless VersionNumber.of( RUBY_VERSION ) >= VersionNumber.of( '1.9'2' )
raise "not the right version" unless VersionNumber.of( RUBY_VERSION ) >= '1.9.2'
Or any other comparison between any VersionNumber you create:
VersionNumber.of( '0.9.10' ) > '0.9.9'
VersionNumber.of( '0.9.9' ) < '0.9.10'
VersionNumber.of( '0.9.10' ) >= '0.9.9'
VersionNumber.of( '0.9.10' ) == '0.9.10'
As you can see, it does a numerical (rather than alphabetical) comparison of the major, minor and build numbers.
It doesn't do version bumping or anything like that - but if you want to to, fork it, branch, add that ability and send us a pull request :-)
If you're using bundler, reference the gem in your Gemfile or gemspec as a runtime dependency and bundler will do the rest...
Or, gem install versionary
and then:
require 'versionary/version_number'