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A Ruby wrapper for the Virginia CTE Resource Center's Web API


>= 0
>= 0
>= 0


~> 2.3.5
>= 0
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The Verso Ruby Gem

A Ruby wrapper for the Virginia CTE Resource Center's Web API, providing access to Virginia's Career and Technical Education curriculum, course, and occupation data.


The verso gem has been tested with Ruby 2.0.0, 1.9.3, and 1.8.7.

gem install verso

or for the latest changes:

git clone git://
cd verso
rake install

Quick Start

The wrapper should make a great starting point for getting course, curriculum, and occupation data out of Verso. The classes available in lib/verso correspond to the resources described in the API documentation. The usual points of entry are the Cluster List, the Course List, the Occupation List, and the Credential List.

Start with Clusters

require 'verso'
cluster =
cluster.pathways.first.title # => "Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance"
cluster.pathways.first.occupations.first.title # => "Aircraft Mechanic and Service Technician"
cluster.pathways.first.occupations.first.related_courses.first.title # => "Automotive Technology I"

Start with Courses

require 'verso'
course = => "6321").first
course.title # => "Accounting, Advanced"
da = course.duty_areas[5]
da.title # => "Using Technology to Implement Accounting Procedures"
da.tasks.last.statement # => "Apply emerging technology trends used in the accounting profession."

Start with Occupations

Search for Occupations, get back lists of "occupation data," i.e., a list of lists of Occupations, grouped by Cluster and Pathway. To wit:

require 'verso'
ods = => "golf")
ods.count # => 3
ods.first.cluster.title # => "Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources"
ods.first.pathway.title # => "Environmental Service Systems"
ods.first.occupations.count # => 3
occupation = ods.first.occupations.first
occupation.title => "Turf Farmer"
course = occupation.related_courses.last.title # => "Turf Grass Applications, Advanced"

Start with Credentials

require 'verso'
creds = => "programming")
creds.first.title # => "Computer Programming (NOCTI)"
creds.first.related_courses.last # => "Programming, Advanced"

New! verso-mt command line tool

verso-mt is a command line tool for generating the simpler sorts of CSV reports from the CTE Resource Center Web API data. If you need to work on collections of related resources -- all the occupations related to a course, say, or all the courses related to a course, or all the credentials related to a course -- then verso-mt won't help. You'll need to write a script. But if you only need a report from attributes on courses, credentials, or occupations, verso-mt totally makes this easy. It will even let you reach into related objects -- an occupation's pathway, say, or a credential's source.

You can see a help message by typing verso-mt -h. Three sorts of resources can be fetched: course, credential, and occupation. Course is the default. Use the -q option to specify query parameters. The parameters permissible are discussed in the API documentation for CourseList, CredentialList, and OccupationList. Separate the parameter from its value with a colon (:) and separate multiple parameters with a plus (+), e.g. text:foo+edition:2013. Filters, specified with the -f option are formed the same way, but are used by verso-mt to filter out results after they're fetched from the server, based on a fuzzy match against the specified attribute. Specify the columns you wish to see in your CSV report with the -c option and a comma-separated list of attributes. You can use dot notation to reach into a related object. E.g., -c title,source.title could be used to get the title and source title for a list of credentials.

Here are some examples:

Similar to examples/copyright_year.rb

In this example, we do not specify the resource. It defaults to course.

verso-mt -c title,code,frontmatter.copyright_year,related_resources

similar to examples/course_notes.rb

verso-mt -c code,title,notes

similar to examples/cpo.rb

Here we use the '-q' query parameter. You can send it any parameter mentioned in the API documentation for the corresponding resource. Here we are sending a wildcard (i.e., everything) in the text parameter for occupations.

verso-mt -r occupation -q text:* -c title,pathway.title,pathway.cluster.title

similar to examples/credential_cost.rb

verso-mt -r credential -c title,cost

similar to examples/credential_sources.rb

Note in this example, we are reaching into the source, a related object, using dot notation.

verso-mt -r credential -c title,source.title,contractor_name

equivalent to examples/hours.rb

Note in this example, we are using '-f' the filtering option. We ask it to filter out only courses that have 140 hours.

verso-mt -f hours:140 -c title,code,hours

equivalent to examples/hs_and_ms.rb

Note we are specifying two filters here.

verso-mt -f is_hs?:true+is_ms?:true

equivalent to examples/hs_v_ms.rb

verso-mt -c title,code,is_ms?,is_hs?

equivalent to examples/passing_score.rb

verso-mt -r credential -c title,source.title,passing_score

all the courses related to 'energy' in 2013 edition with 'technology' in title

verso-mt -r course -q text:energy+edition:2013 -f title:technology -c title,code,edition

search credentials for 'web' and return all where source title matches nocti

verso-mt -r credential -q text:web -f source.title:nocti -c title,source.title

Additional Documentation

In general, the objects returned from the wrapper should respond to calls to the attributes described in the API documentation. Open an issue on GitHub or send an email to if you have questions or concerns.