This gem provides interface (both programmatic and CLI) to obtain aeronautical data (NOTAM, METAR and TAF).
gem install vfr_utils
Usage examples
require 'vfr_utils'
# Configuration (optional)
VfrUtils.configure do |config|
# global settings for all services {
# seconds to cache data, default is 15 minutes
config.cache_lifetime = 900
# location of tmp files, default #{Dir.tmpdir}/vfr_utils
config.cache_directory = '/usr/data/cache'
# those can be overwritten for each service:
config.notam.cache_lifetime = 3600 # cache NOTAMS for 12h
config.taf.cache_backend = :redis
config.taf.redis_url = 'redis://localhost:6379'
config.metar.cache_directory = '/usr/data/cache/weather'
# Fetch NOTAMs for multiple aerodromes (ICAO codes)
pp VfrUtils::NOTAM.get [ 'EPWR', 'EPPO', 'LKLB' ]
# Fetch TAF for single aerodrome (ICAO codes)
pp VfrUtils::TAF.get_one 'EPWR'
# Fetch METAR for single aerodrome (ICAO codes)
pp VfrUtils::METAR.get_one 'EPPO'
Command Line Interface
vfr_utils notam EPWR LKLB
vfr_utils taf EPWR
vfr_utils metar EPWR LKLB KJFK