A simple way to manage virtual hosts in nginx, apache, or other server software.
Create, delete, enable, and disable vitual hosts.
Configurations are based on erb templates
##Install: vhost requires ruby to be installed ###Hombrew:
brew tap sleepinginsomniac/formulae
brew install vhost
gem install vhost
gem build vhost.gemspec
gem install ./vhost*.gem
curl -L http://alexc.link/vhost-latest -o vhost.tar.gz
tar -zxvf vhost.tar.gz
cd vhost*
sudo ./install.rb
# Creates a new file based on the template in sites-available
vhost example.com -c
# Create enable and restart the server in one swift motion
vhost example.com -cer
# Disable a virtual host
vhost example.com -d
# Modify a virtual host
vhost example.com -m
for more options: vhost -h
##Configuration The default configuration is a simple yaml file. vhost could conceivably be used with any server that supports virtual hosts.
The structure vhost expects is that server_conf
points to your server configuration directory that contains sites-available
and sites-enabled
. If this isn't how your sever is set up, you may need to add something like include /usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
to your server config file, and create those two directories.
##Config examples: ####Nginx:
server_conf: '/usr/local/etc/nginx'
sites_folder: '/var/www'
default_template: 'nginx.conf.erb'
restart_cmd: 'sudo nginx -s reload'
editor: emacs
server_conf: '/usr/local/etc/apache2/2.4'
sites_folder: '/var/www'
default_template: 'apache.conf.erb'
restart_cmd: 'sudo apachectl graceful'
editor: emacs
vhost comes with templates for two popular webservers: nginx and apache. To edit a template use: vhost -mt 'template_name'
. To create a virtual host with a template other than the default use: vhost example.com -c -t 'template_name'
<% site_root = File.join(conf['sites_folder'], vhost, "public") %>
<% site_name = vhost %>
<% error_log = File.join(conf['sites_folder'], vhost, "log", "nginx-error.log") %>
<% access_log = File.join(conf['sites_folder'], vhost, "log", "nginx-access.log") %>
server {
listen 80;
root <%= site_root %>;
server_name <%= site_name %>;
error_log <%= error_log %>;
access_log <%= access_log %>;
index index.php index.html;
location / {
# include /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/php-fpm; # enable php
# passenger_enabled on # enabled passenger for rack based apps
# autoindex on; # just for development