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Batch convert multiple files to htmls using the power of Vim editor


~> 1.10
~> 2.6
~> 5.4
~> 0.10
~> 10.3
~> 0.52
~> 0.9


~> 0.3.2
~> 0.19
 Project Readme


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Batch print/export files to htmls using the power of Vim. Output will be saved to vim_printer_#{project_name}.tar.gz and ready for extract and view in your favourite browser.

  • Unlimited support for vim colorschemes if enabled, or default colorscheme that comes with Vim.
  • Can print any files in any languages that you can open with Vim.
  • Use the power of Vim to print the code without any other tools.
  • Skip any binary files automatically

Example Outputs:

The html output as rendered in the browser

  • The original input using Tomorrow-Night colorscheme from Tomorrow-theme in Vim

The html output as renderd in the browser


  • Vim - any recent version should be ok.

  • Any decent ~/.vimrc should do

  • Any valid file types that are supported by Vim will produce proper color syntax in the output.

    • By default Vim supports most of major languages so you should see the proper syntax with color in the output.
    • On newer language like Elixir, you may have to first install vim-elixir to see the proper syntax in the output. If this is not installed then you will get the output but will not have the beautiful color syntax.

Sample session

  • Run with the sample fixture files
vim_printer -b test/fixtures -e rb java -r

Will produce the file vim_printer_fixtures.tar.gz with the following result on the screen.

FYI: process file 1 of 8 : ./demo1.xxx.rb
FYI: process file 2 of 8 : ./demo1.yyy.rb
FYI: process file 3 of 8 : ./demo2.xxx.rb
FYI: process file 4 of 8 : ./demo2.yyy.rb
FYI: process file 5 of 8 : ./java/demo3.xxx.java
FYI: process file 6 of 8 : ./java/demo3.yyy.java
FYI: process file 7 of 8 : ./java/demo4.xxx.java
FYI: process file 8 of 8 : ./java/demo4.yyy.java
Your output file is ./test/fixtures/vim_printer_fixtures.tar.gz


  • Install the gem for your version of ruby

e.g. for rbenv your session will be something like

rbenv local 2.1.2
rbenv rehash
gem install vim_printer
  • Print any files using the gem
  • Print any files that you like using the simplest command

The following command will print out all java, and ruby files recursively using the solarized colorscheme.

vim_printer --base-dir ./test/fixtures \
            --exts rb \
            --theme solarized

Your output will be saved to the default vim_printer_fixtures.tar.gz in the directory where you run this command. To see the output in your browser just type:

mkdir -p ~/Desktop/vim_printer
mv vim_printer_fixtures.tar.gz ~/Desktop/vim_printer
cd ~/Desktop/vim_printer
tar zxvf vim_printer_fixtures.tar.gz
  • Print only files that contain the word xxx in the title
vim_printer --base-dir ./test/fixtures \
            --exts java \
            --theme solarized \
            --n xxx
  • To include files that do not have any extension you can use --non-exts
# To print all ruby files as well as 'Gemfile' or 'Rakefile'
vim_printer -e ruby -f Gemfile Rakefile -r

Advanced Usage

The new --command or -s flag can be used to get the input from the list of file. Any unix command that can produce the result in the list of file can be used to generate the input for printing.

My personal use-cases:

  • Print out any files that we changed in the last N git commit (Note any binary files or deleted files will skipped automatically)

e.g. Print out any files that were changed in the last 2 commit

# Must be run from inside the project directory containging the git project
vim_printer --command 'git diff --name-only HEAD~2'
  • Use list of file from the result of find with grep command (from inside the project directory)
vim_printer --command 'find . -type f -iname "*.rb" | grep -v _spec'


  • The --base-dir must be used with the --command if the command is not run in the context of current directory.

e.g. Assume that you want to print all of the ruby *.rb files from ~/Desktop/project and you are not currently inside the ~/Desktop/project directory

# Go to home directory
cd ~

# Note we are not inside the `~/Desktop/project` directory
vim_printer --command "find ~/Desktop/project -type f -iname '*.rb'" --base-dir ~/Desktop/project

Will give the proper links in the generated index.html file


# Go to home directory
cd ~

# Run the command from the home directory
vim_printer --command "find ~/Desktop/project -type f -iname '*.rb'" --base-dir .

will produces the invalid links in the generated index.html file


For help in using the gem just type vim_printer without any parameter


  -b, [--base-dir=BASE_DIR]                # Base directory
                                           # Default: . (current directory)
  -e, [--exts=one two three]               # List of extension to search for
                                           # e.g. -e rb md
  -f, [--non-exts=one two three]           # List of file without extension to be included in the result (optional)
                                           # e.g. -f Gemfile LICENSE
  -n, [--inc-words=one two three]          # List of word that must be part of the name to be included in the result (optional)
                                           # If this option is not specified then
                                           # all files having the extension specified by -e or all file specified by -f will be included
  -x, [--exc-words=one two three]          # List of words to be excluded from the result if any (optional)
                                           # Use this option to filter out files that contain some word in the name
                                           # e.g. -x '_spec' to exclude files that end with '*_spec.rb' in the name
  -i, [--ignore-case], [--no-ignore-case]  # Match case insensitively apply to both -f, n, and -x options (optional)
                                           # Default: --ignore-case
  -r, [--recursive], [--no-recursive]      # Search for files recursively (optional)
                                           # Default: --recursive
  -v, [--version]                          # Display version information
  -t, [--theme=THEME]                      # Vim colorscheme to use (optional)
                                           # Default: 'default'
  -c, [--index], [--no-index]              # Generate the index.html file for the result (optional)
                                           # Default: --index
  -s, [--command]                          # Use the input file list from the result of the given shell command
                                           # Note: the command must return the list of file to be valid
                                           # This option ignore any of the following options -e, -f, -n, -x, -i if specified
                                           # e.g. --command 'git diff --name-only HEAD~2 | grep -v test'
                                           # e.g. --command 'find . -type f -iname "*.rb" | grep -v test | grep -v _spec'
Print files to (x)html using Vim

Customization for output options

You can customize how the output is produced by using the following configuration.

Edit the file lib/vim_printer/config/vim_printer.rb to adjust the options used by :TOhtml in Vim. (see :help :TOhtml from inside Vim for more detail)

The default settings for the :TOhtml are as follow

    "-c 'let g:html_expand_tabs = 1'",
    "-c 'let g:html_use_css = 1'",
    "-c 'let g:html_no_progress = 1'",
    "-c 'let g:html_number_lines = 0'",
    "-c 'let g:html_use_xhtml = 1'",
    "-c 'let g:html_ignore_folding = 1'"

For example, if you like to suppress the line number in the output you will need to use "-c 'let g:html_number_lines = 0'" which will suppress the setting of :set number in Vim.


git clone https://github.com/agilecreativity/vim_printer.git
cd vim_printer
# run default test


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Make sure that you add the tests and ensure that all tests are passed
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request