Visual Ruby GUI Builder
Visualruby was designed specifically for rubyists who want to add a GUI to their ruby scripts. It enormously simplifies the process of adding GTK+ windows to your applications. Visualruby is completely integrated with the glade interface designer, so you only need to click on a ruby file to edit its widgets using glade.
You can create a .gemspec file, compile your gem, install your gem, or push, yank or uninstall your gem with just one mouse-click.
Install Instructions
#Linux, Ubuntu
Install a ruby version manager like rbenv or RVM. This is necessary because they will install ruby under your $HOME directory where you have permissions to install it.
to test your install of ruby, run this at the prompt:
''' which ruby '''
This should show that your version is under your home directory. Then Run:
''' gem install visualruby ''' Then run visualruby:
''' vr '''
First, download the "Windows Ruby Installer" and run it. Make sure you install the additional software so Gtk+ can be installed in that environment.
Then open the "Ruby Command Prompt" and run:
''' gem install visualruby ''' Then run the command to start visualruby:
''' vr '''