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Send notifications easier


~> 1.12
~> 11.3
~> 3.0
~> 4.2.10
~> 1.2


>= 1.6
>= 4.2
~> 0.2, >= 0.2.1
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Coverage Status Build Status License: GPL v3


Trying to make the task of sending both email and SMS notifications as easy as possible, while also providing a simple(ish) way of tracking each notification sent.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'voltron-notify', '~> 0.2.1'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install voltron-notify

Then run the following to create the voltron.rb initializer and add the notify config:

$ rails g voltron:notify:install


Once installed and configured, add notifyable at the top of any model you wish to be able to send notifications, such as:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  notifyable [args]


notifyable will create a notifications association on whatever model it is called on. The one optional argument should be a hash with default SMS/Email ActiveJob options. See "ActiveJob Integration" below for more info on how/when the default options will be used.

Defined default options should (or rather, could) look like so:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  notifyable sms: { wait: 10.minutes, queue: 'sms' },
             email: { wait_until: 10.minutes.from_now, queue: 'mailers' }


Once done, you can utilize Voltron Notify like so:

@user = User.find(1)

@user.notifications.create do |n|
  # First argument is SMS message text, second argument is hash containing zero or more of: [:to, :from]
  n.sms 'This is my message', to: '1 (234) 567-8910'

  # and/or ...

  # First argument is email subject, remaining arguments can consist of [:to, :from] or any other param you'd like,
  # they will all be converted to @variables for use in the mailer template
  n.email 'This is the mail subject', { to: 'info@example.com', param_one: 'Hi there', param_two: '' }

While you may specify the :to and :from as one of the arguments, by default the :from value of each notification type comes from Voltron.config.notify.email_from and Voltron.config.notify.sms_from. The value of :to by default will attempt to be retrieved by calling .phone or .email on the notifyable model itself. So given a User model with attributes (or methods) email and phone, the following will send notifications to those values:

@user = User.find(1) #<User id: 1, phone: '1234567890', email: 'info@example.com', created_at: '2016-09-23 16:49:20', updated_at: '2016-09-23 16:49:20'>

@user.notifications.create do |n|
  n.sms 'Hello from SMS' # Will send to +1 (123) 456-7890
  n.email 'Hello from Email' # Will send to info@example.com

# @user.notifications.build { |n| ... } ... followed by @user.save works the same way

Optionally, you may pass a block to the sms or email methods that allows for additional functionality, like including attachments or overriding the email method default mailer/method:

@user.notifications.create do |n|
  n.sms 'Hello from SMS' do
    attach 'picture.jpg' # Attach an image using the rails asset pipeline by specifying just the filename
    attach 'http://www.someimagesite.com/example/demo/image.png' # Or just provide a url to a supported file beginning with 'http'

  n.email 'Hello from Email' do
    attach 'picture.jpg' # Uses the asset pipeline like above
    attach 'http://www.example.com/picture.jpg' # This WILL NOT work, email attachments don't work that way

    mailer SiteMailer # Default: Voltron::NotificationMailer
    method :send_my_special_notification # Default: :notify
    arguments @any, list, of.arguments, :you, would, @like # In this case, the arguments used by SiteMailer.send_my_special_notification()
    template 'my_mailer/sub_dir/custom_template' # Default: 'voltron/notification_mailer/notify.html.erb'

In the case of the methods mailer, method, arguments, and template, below is each's purpose and default values

Method Default Comment
mailer Voltron::NotificationMailer Defines what mailer class should be used to handle the sending of email notifications. Can be defined as the actual class name or a string, even in the format '<module>/<mailer>'. It is eventually converted to a string anyways, converted to a valid format with classify and then instantiated with constantize
method :notify Specifies what method within the defined mailer should be called. Can be a string or symbol
arguments nil Accepts an unlimited number of arguments that will be passed directly through to your mailer method Can be anything you want, so long as +mailer+.+method+() will understand it.
template nil, but due to ActionMailer's default behavior, assuming mailer and method are not modified, it will look for app/views/voltron/notification_mailer/notify.<format>.erb Overrides the default mailer template by parsing a single string argument into separate template_path and template_name arguments for the mail method. Note that this argument should be the path relative to your applications app/views directory, and that it strips any file extensions. So, in the case of a view located at app/views/my_mailer/sub_dir/special_template.html.erb you can specify the path my_mailer/sub_dir/special_template. Depending on what format email you've chosen to send it will look for special_template.<format>.erb

Note that both SMS and Email notifications have validations on the :to/:from fields, the email subject, and the SMS body text. Since notifications is an association, any errors in the actual notification content will bubble up, possibly preventing the notifyable model from saving. For that reason, it may be more logical to instead use a @notifyable.notifications.build / @notifyable.save syntax to properly handle errors that may occur.

ActiveJob Integration

Voltron Notify supports sending both email (via deliver_later) and SMS (via Voltron::SmsJob and perform_later). To have all notifications be handled by ActiveJob in conjunction with Sidekiq/Resque/whatever you need only set the config value Voltron.config.notify.use_queue to true. If ActiveJob is configured properly notifications will send that way instead.

If the value of Voltron.config.notify.use_queue is true, additional methods for sending SMS/Email can be used to further control the ActiveJob params.

For the email method:

Queue Specific Methods Available Accepts Arguments? Behavior Default Behavior If Not Manually Called
deliver_now No Same as deliver_now, except this will not occur until the parent notification association is saved Yes, if Voltron.config.notify.use_queue is not truthy. No otherwise
deliver_now! No Same as deliver_now!, except this will not occur until the parent notification association is saved No
deliver_later Yes, same as what deliver_later would accept. These arguments will come from the defaults specified when notifyable is called in the model. Default arguments are always overridden by the same options defined in this methods arguments. See documentation of notifyable and it's accepted arguments above. Same as deliver_later, except this will not occur until the parent notification association is saved Yes, if Voltron.config.notify.use_queue is truthy. No otherwise
deliver_later! Yes, same as what deliver_later! would accept. These arguments will come from the defaults specified when notifyable is called in the model. Default arguments are always overridden by the same options defined in this methods arguments. See documentation of notifyable and it's accepted arguments above. Same as deliver_later!, except this will not occur until the parent notification association is saved No

For the sms method:

Queue Specific Methods Available Accepts Arguments? Behavior Default Behavior If Not Manually Called
deliver_now No When associated notification object is saved, SMS will be sent immediately (via ActiveJob's perform_now), in a blocking way, aka - rails will wait until SMS is sent before continuing execution. Yes, if Voltron.config.notify.use_queue is not truthy. No otherwise
deliver_later Yes, same as what set would accept. These arguments will come from the defaults specified when notifyable is called in the model. Default arguments are always overridden by the same options defined in this methods arguments. See documentation of notifyable and it's accepted arguments above. When associated notification object is saved, ActiveJob's perform_later is called. Yes, if Voltron.config.notify.use_queue is truthy. No otherwise

Example usage:

@user = User.find(1)

@user.notifications.build do |n|
  n.sms('Immediate Message').deliver_now # Will deliver the SMS as soon as the notification is saved
  n.sms('Delayed Message').deliver_later(queue: 'sms', wait_until: 10.minutes.from_now) # Will deliver the SMS via +perform_now+ with ActiveJob
  n.email('Delayed Mail Subject', { param_one: 'Hi there', param_two: '' }).deliver_later(wait: 5.minutes) # Will pass through to ActionMailer's +deliver_later+ method

@user.save # Will finally perform the actual actions defined. Basically, +deliver_*+ does nothing until the notification is saved.

Updating SMS Notifications

Also supported are Twilio status update callbacks for SMS notifications. To enable, you can add the following to your routes.rb file

Rails.application.routes.draw do

  allow_notification_update [options]


Without specifying, the default options hash for notification updates are as follows:

Option (hash key) Default (hash value) Comment
path /notification/update The default url path that Twilio will POST updates to. Can be anything you want so long as it's a valid URL path
controller voltron/notification The controller that will handle the notification update (in this case app/controllers/voltron/notification_controller.rb)
action update The controller action (method) that will perform the update

If the value of controller or action are modified, it is assumed that whatever they point to will handle SMS notification updates. See the description column for "StatusCallback" parameter here for information on what Twilio will POST to the callback url. Or, take a look at this gems app/controller/voltron/notification_controller.rb file to see what it does by default.

In order for allow_notification_update to generate the correct callback url, please ensure the value of Voltron.config.base_url is a valid host name. By default it will attempt to obtain this information from the :host parameter of Rails.application.config.action_controller.default_url_options but if specified in the Voltron initializer that will be used instead.

Note that allow_notification_update does nothing if running on a host matching localhost or Since Twilio can't reach locally running apps to POST to, the app will not even provide Twilio with the callback url to try it. If you have a local app host named Twilio will try and POST to it, but will obviously fail for the reasons previously stated. Basically, this feature only works on remotely accessible hosts.


When the install generator is run (see Installation), notification specific translations will appear in the Voltron translation file, app/config/locales/voltron.yml. If this file exists already the notification specific translations will be merged in as needed, without overwriting anything that might already be defined. All translations should be self explanatory, just modify as you see fit.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ehainer/voltron-notify. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the GNU General Public License.