A gem for scoring the VR12 instrument. http://www.bu.edu/sph/research/research-landing-page/vr-36-vr-12-and-vr-6d/
Based on the R program "VR12score" by Scott J Hetzel MS (hetzel@biostat.wisc.edu). University of Wisconsin - Madison, 12/15/2014
This gem requires the use of proprietary data files containing weights created through the statistical analysis of survey responses. The data files are not included in this repository. Contact the developers of the survey to request access to these files. http://www.bu.edu/sph/research/research-landing-page/vr-36-vr-12-and-vr-6d/request-access/
The four data files contain weights for calculating the physical component score (pcs) and mental component score (mcs) of surveys that were administered by phone interview or mail-out written questionnaire. It is recommended that you rename these files on your system to pcs_phone.csv
, mcs_phone.csv
, pcs_mail.csv
and mcs_mail.csv
so the gem can find them with no additional configuration. To initialize a new scorer, pass the directory containing these data files.
require "vr_12_score"
scorer = Vr12Score.new("/path/to/data/files")
If the data files are named differently, you can override the default names
scorer.pcs_phone_file = "custom_file_name.csv"
To score a survey, create a hash containing the survey responses under the labels defined in Vr12Score::QUESTION_LABELS. The survey hash must also contain the value "phone" or "mail" under the key :type
puts survey.keys # [:type, :gh1, :pf02, :pf04, :vrp2, :vrp3, :vre2, :vre3, :bp2, :mh3, :vt2, :mh4, :sf2]
Tests developed using RSpec 3.4. Run the test suite with rake
or rake test
The file spec/test_data.csv
contains 250 survey results and their corresponding mcs and pcs values. The rspec tests check that the scores produced by this gem match the expected values up to 6 decimal places, the accuracy given by the original R implementation.
This gem is published to rubygems.org. The rubygems account credentials can be found in the Trainer Rx 1password account.
To publish a new version:
- Update the version number in
- Build the gem with
gem build vr_12_score.gemspec
- Publish on rubygems with
gem push vr_12_score-X.X.X.gem
- where X.X.X is the version number you set in the gemspec file
- you will be prompted for the email and password for the Trainer Rx rubygems account.