Walter is a small web app written in ruby and sinatra. The unique purpose is to manage a directory full of quotes and the informations that get along.
It is also like very inspired by toto's architecture.
The name is of course a tribue to Walter Benjamin and his obsession for quotes.
Mini-start in 10 seconds
$ sudo gem install walter
$ git clone git:// webquotes
$ cd webquotes
$ thin start -R
(configuring passenger is 10 more seconds)
- quotes are stored as text file
- bibliographical info should be like bibtex specs and formated in yaml
- body can be formated with markdown (rdiscount)
- templating is done with erb
- URL are not in german just because of guiltiness
Some collectors
- having fun
- continue the CSS
- multi-authors books
- author view
- display the year
- put a proper permalink system
- different levels of importance
- check english typographic rules
- make it easy for multilingual stuffs
- clean the code
far, far future
- Search engine
- Tags
- Better bibtex rendering
- Export formats