waveform-data-js-rails wraps the waveform-data.js library in a rails engine for simple use with the asset pipeline provided by Rails 4.2 and higher. The gem includes the development (non-minified) javascript source for ease of exploration. The asset pipeline will minify in production.
waveform-data.js is a JavaScript library for creating zoomable, browsable and segmentable representations of audio waveforms. It's part of a BBC R&D Browser-based audio waveform visualisation software family.
Add the following to your gemfile:
gem 'waveform_data_js_rails'
Add the following directive to your Javascript manifest file (application.js):
//= require waveform-data
Full documentation for waveform-data.js
can be found in its README.
waveform-data-js-rails 1.5.1.x == waveform-data-js 1.5.1
Every attempt is made to mirror the currently shipping waveform-data.js version number wherever possible. The major, minor, and patch version numbers will always represent the waveform-data.js version. Should a gem bug be discovered, a 4th version identifier will be added and incremented.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3; see COPYING and COPYING.LESSER for details.
Gem wrapped by Tom Armitage. Original code by Thomas Parisot.