Weather Forecast finder by city name.
WeatherForecaster accepts the city name Ex: London or city name followed by country code Ex: London, GB It can accept the number of days from the current day to get the weather details. It provides the weather information as follows.
- City name which you are searching for.
- Country code.
- Latitude, Longitude.
- Day and night temperature values in Kelvin.
- Pressure and humidity
- Weather Description.
- Dates of corresponding days.
- gem install weather_forecaster
or Add gem 'weather_forecaster' in gemfile.
require 'weather_forecaster'
To get the weather forecast for 5 days from today, use
forecast = WeatherForecaster.forecast("London", 5)
Default is 1 day.
- = London
- = GB
- forecast.latitude = 51.50853
- forecast.longitude = -0.12574
To get the details of day , night temperature values, humidity, pressure, weather condition(description), dates of corresponding days
- forecast.list_details
Santosh Turamari