Tells you when you're ready to study at WaniKani.
$ bundle gem install whenkani
First, you'll need your API key from your Account page
Set the API key via an environment variable (usually sourced in a profile):
$ WANIKANI_API_KEY=abcdef12345 whenkani
Set the API key as a command line argument:
$ whenkani abcdef12345
When you're ready to study
When you have lessons or reviews to do, you'll see this output:
$ whenkani
You're ready to study!
will exit with code 0 if you're ready to study.
When you have no lessons or reviews
When you don't have lessons yet, whenkani will tell you how long to wait:
$ whenkani
You're not ready, come back in 4 minutes
will exit non-zero if you're not ready to study. This may be useful
if you want to incorporate this gem into other automation scripts.