Introducing the Wiimote_morsecode gem
In order to use the Wiimote with the wiimote_morsecode gem you will first need to apt-get install the following:
- libboost-dev
- libcwiid-dev
require 'wiimote_morsecode'
wm = sps_address: 'sps'
Sample Output
wiimote/input: hello
To output the above message the plus button was pressed 4 times to represent an h. Then the trigger button was pressed, and then the plus button was pressed once to represent an e. Then the trigger button was pressed, and then the buttons plus, minus,plus, plus were pressed to represent an l. The previous action was repreat to represent another l. Then the trigger button was pressed, and the minus button was pressed 3 times to represent an o, followed by the pressing of button A to publish the message hello.
- minus button: dash
- plus button: dot
- trigger (button B): code separator
- A (button A): Translate the morse code and publish to the SPS broker
Note: Pressing the trigger (button B) twice represents a space character.
- Morse code lookup
- Introducing the Wiimote_sps Gem
morsecode wiimote gem wiimotemorsecode sps