home :: www.rubygems.org/gems/wiki_top_page_views
code :: www.github.com/ktrops/wiki_top_page_views
This gem parses the information from the wikipedia page count dump files and returns a number of most viewed pages
This gem assumes you have already downloaded the wiki page view files from http://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/pagecounts-raw/
./top_page -f filename -l language -c count
Filename is the name of the file. This parameter is required. You must also include the complete file path.
Language is the two letter language code. This is an optional parameter. the default is en
Count is how many top subjects you want to return. This is an optional parameter. The default is 10
./top_page -f ../../pagecounts-20141101-000000 -l en -c 10
=> ["Topic: en, Visits: 4405366", "Topic: Main_Page, Visits: 324171", "Topic: Online_shopping, Visits: 38403", "Topic: Malware, Visits: 27009", "Topic: Halloween, Visits: 25353", "Topic: Thanksgiving, Visits: 20982", "Topic: Cyber_Monday, Visits: 20795", "Topic: Black_Friday, Visits: 20732", "Topic: Detox, Visits: 15366", "Topic: English_alphabet, Visits: 12942"]
sudo gem install wiki_top_page_views