Wiser Date for Rails¶ ↑
WiserDate is a date formatting plugin written by Kenneth John Balgos (github.com/kennethjohnbalgos). Wiser Date features dynamic presentation of feed timestamps. The plugin now supports real-time and dynamic date displays.
Dependency¶ ↑
Rails >=3.1 and jQuery >=1.7 to make the real-time feature work.
Installation¶ ↑
Install the gem.
gem "wiser_date"
Require jquery.wiser_date in your app/assets/application.js file.
//= require jquery.wiser_date
Usage¶ ↑
Use the wiser_date function in your views.
<%= wiser_date @user.last_login_at %> # Sample display within few seconds: just now # Sample display within few minutes: about 30 minutes ago # Sample display within the day: about 3 hours ago # Sample display later within the day: today at 12:21pm # Sample display after the day: yesterday 12:21pm # Sample display after 2 days: September 10, 2013 12:21pm
@user.last_login_at can be any timestamp you want to display.
Assume that the value is “Mon, 10 Sept 2012 12:21:16 UTC +00:00”.
Options & Examples¶ ↑
You can customize the behavior of the date display by using the following options:
real_time - toggles the real-time updating of displayed dates [default: true]
<%= wiser_date @user.last_login_at, :real_time => false %>
interval - custom real-time update interval in seconds [default: 20]
<%= wiser_date @user.last_login_at, :interval => 60 %>
date_format - overrides the default date format [default: “%b %d, %Y”]
<%= wiser_date @user.last_login_at, :date_format => "%Y-%m-%d" %> # Sample display within few seconds: just now # Sample display within few minutes: about 30 minutes ago # Sample display within the day: about 3 hours ago # Sample display later within the day: today at 12:21pm # Sample display after the day: yesterday 12:21pm # Sample display after 2 days: 2012-09-10 12:21pm
time_format - overrides the default time format [default: “%l:%M%P”]
<%= wiser_date @user.last_login_at, :time_format => "%H:%M:%S" %> # Sample display within few seconds: just now # Sample display within few minutes: about 30 minutes ago # Sample display within the day: about 3 hours ago # Sample display later within the day: today at 12:21:16 # Sample display after the day: yesterday 12:21:16 # Sample display after 2 days: September 10, 2013 12:21:16
humanize - converts date to more readable string [default: true]
<%= wiser_date @user.last_login_at, :humanize => false %> # Sample display within few seconds: September 10, 2013 12:21pm # Sample display within few minutes: September 10, 2013 12:21pm # Sample display within the day: September 10, 2013 12:21pm # Sample display later within the day: September 10, 2013 12:21pm # Sample display after the day: September 10, 2013 12:21pm # Sample display after 2 days: September 10, 2013 12:21pm
time_first - displays time first instead of date [default: false]
<%= wiser_date @user.last_login_at, :time_first => true %> # Sample display within few seconds: just now # Sample display within few minutes: about 30 minutes ago # Sample display within the day: about 3 hours ago # Sample display later within the day: 12:21pm today # Sample display after the day: 12:21pm yesterday # Sample display after 2 days: 12:21pm September 10, 2013
hide_same_year - will not display the year if the it is the same with the present year [default: false]
<%= wiser_date @user.last_login_at, :hide_same_year => true %> # Sample display within few seconds: just now # Sample display within few minutes: about 30 minutes ago # Sample display within the day: about 3 hours ago # Sample display later within the day: today at 12:21pm # Sample display after the day: yesterday 12:21pm # Sample display after 2 days: September 10, 12:21pm
capitalize - capitalizes the first letter of the date displayed [default: true]
<%= wiser_date @user.last_login_at, :capitalize => true %> # Sample display within few seconds: Just now # Sample display within few minutes: About 30 minutes ago # Sample display within the day: about 3 hours ago # Sample display later within the day: Today at 12:21pm # Sample display after the day: Yesterday 12:21pm # Sample display after 2 days: September 10, 12:21pm
custom_class - adds custom classes to the containter span of the date [default: nil]
<%= wiser_date @user.last_login_at, :custom_class => "date_tooltip" %>
time_now - accepts complete timestamp as the basis of time distances [default: server_time]
<%= wiser_date @user.last_login_at, :time_now => "2012-09-10 12:21:16 +0000" %>
Support¶ ↑
Open an issue in github.com/kennethjohnbalgos/wiser_date if you need further support or want to report a bug.