Rails engine providing MVCs for Users, Roles, Groups, Authorities and Memberships to support authorization of the main application.
The User model is mostly coupled with your application, so Wobauth::User is open classed. You should overwrite it depending on your needs. See test/dummy/app/models/wobauth/user.rb for an example.
You have to build your own concrete authorization logic with cancancan or something similiar. The basic principle is always the same. A subject (user or group) has some rights (the role) on concret objects. The objects may be organizational units, sites, categories or something else whatever your application provides. The object may be nil if your application doesn't need this feature. The role define the rights dependent on your logic, mostly likely read, create, update and destroy.
Roles are intended to be set from migration or seed and not to be edited by an admin, the logic is mostly hardcoded if based on cancan(can). Users can be members of group. Memberships are separate model here (not only an plain many-to-many association) to allow both manual memberships and automatically created memberships during the login process.
Versions & Requirements
Rails >= 7.1
version | rails | ruby | bootstrap | icons | wobapphelpers |
master (7.1) | >=7.1 | >= 3.2 | v5 | fontawesome 5.x | master (v6) |
Rails >= 6.1, < 7.1; needs @hotwired/turbo-rails; no support for rails-ujs
version | rails | ruby | bootstrap | icons | wobapphelpers |
7-0-stable | >=6.1, <7.1 | >= 3.0 | v5 | fontawesome 5.x | master (v6) |
Add wobauth to your Gemfile:
gem 'wobauth', git: 'https://github.com/swobspace/wobauth.git', branch: 'master'
rails g wobauth:install
to create an example configuration in ''config/initializers/wobauth.rb''
rake wobauth:install:migrations
copies wobauth migration files wobauth to your application. Do this before you create your own migration files if possible. If you upgrade from an older wobauth version rerun it. There might be new migration files added.
For Upgrade from 3.x to 4.x you have to upgrade wobapphelpers
User model
To customize the user model to your needs, create app/models/wobauth/users.rb in your application:
# main_app/app/models/wobauth/user.rb
class Wobauth::User < ActiveRecord::Base
include Wobauth::Concerns::Models::User
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
:recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable
... add your associations and methods ...
DO NOT USE :validatable, since wobauth uses :username as authentication key (devise default :email, will be required if you use :validatable).
Helpers for bootstrap navbar:
: navigation partial for login/userprofile/logout -
: navigation partial for user/roles/authorities ...
Authorized_for types
If you have objects for which wobauth should provide authority configuration,
set your models in the initializer (created by rails g wobauth:install
In this example we will use Category from your main application:
Wobauth.setup do |config|
# Configuration for Authorization
# 1. Subject: Authorizable
# do not change it unless you know exactly what you are doing
# config.authorizable_types = [ "Wobauth::User", "Wobauth::Group" ]
# 2. Object: Authorized_for
# depends on your application ...
# default: []
config.authorized_for_types = [ "Category" ]
You can create and delete authority records within wobauth, but you have to build your own authorization with cancan(can) in your main application.
Mount the rails engine:
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount Wobauth::Engine, at: '/auth'
With rails 5.1 there are some problems with engine routing in engines.
Add the mount
statement at the bottom of Rails.application.routes.draw
use always a suburl for mount like /auth
. Don't use /
Using datatables
Wobauth comes with support for datatables. You need a stimulus datatables controller like something used in https://swobspace.github.io/rails-playground/playbook/datatables/datatables-js.html
Applications using wobauth
If you are looking for examples using wobauth, have a look at boskop, titracka or mirco.
Another simple example is the test/dummy application included in this rails engine.
wobauth Copyright (C) 2014-2025 Wolfgang Barth
MIT license, see LICENSE