combine 2 small word to get a word of (N) characters:
al + bums => albums
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'word_mix'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install word_mix
Rake task:
rake word_mix:convert
Specify a single file path ( default = Rails.root + "/wordlist.txt"):
rake word_mix:convert TARGET="/complete/path/to/file"
Specify a custom amount of letter (default = 6):
rake word_mix:convert AMOUNT=6
Specify separator to use a custom splitting pattern ( default = "\n" ):
rake word_mix:convert SEPARATOR="\n"
Specify case_insensitive:
rake word_mix:convert CASE_INSENSITIVE="true"
You can pass more than one option
You could experiment permission issue if not used properly