Wordgit - Word Document Versioning tool
Wordgit lets you version word document from terminal.
Make sure Ruby is installed. Make sure Libre Office is installed
$ gem install wordgit
#List of Commands:
$ wordgit -h
wordgit commit '[PATH] OR --all' # Commits the changes to the repo.
wordgit diff [VERSION1] [VERSION2] # Displays differences between two versions (WORK IN PROGRESS)
wordgit help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
wordgit revert [VERSION] # revert between version
wordgit switch [VERSION] # Switch between version
wordgit versions # Displays list of version
STEP 1 (initialize)
$ wordgit init #Initialize wordgit in folder with word documents you want to track
STEP 2 (commit)
#This will start tracking the document. You must provide a message and version in the prompt.
$ wordgit commit ./my_word_document.docx #you can provide individual file
$wordgit commit --all #entire folder
$ wordgit versions #displays all the versions
$ wordgit switch [VERSION NUMBER] #Switches to particular version
$ wordgit revert [VERSION NUMBER] #reverts the changes to particular version
$ wordgit diff [VERSION1] [VERSION2] #opens up GUI to display differences in versions
TODO: LOT OF THINGS. The most important ones in works are:
- Difference (between versions) viewer UI
- Merge tool
Hosted at Rubygems.org
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.