

No release in over 3 years
*** DEPRECATED 'work_md' was renamed 'work-md'


~> 0.7.0
~> 0.7.0
 Project Readme


work-md cli

  • Keep your work activities organized in markdown by date
  • Easily remember what you did in a specific day
  • Parse your work progress for a week, month or specific days
  • Write permanent and private annotations
  • Organize multiples projects
  • Be more productive in your work, keeping sanity in your personal life
  • Get everything under control


With Ruby

Ruby (>= 2.3) must be installed in your machine, then install work-md with:

$ gem install work-md

Without Ruby

Linux users

Run the following commands:

$ curl -L -o work-md-0.4.91.tar.gz |
$ tar -xzf work-md-0.4.91.tar.gz
$ cd work-md-0.4.91-linux-x86_64
$ ./work-md


Open or create a new work markdown file for today:

$ work-md t

By default, a work markdown file live in [YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY]/work-md/[YEAR]/[MONTH]/[DAY].md

If no default editor was set in your environment variables work-md will prompt you what editor you want to choose.

You can also set the editor directly in the command call:


Open or create a new work markdown file for yesterday:

$ work-md y

Open or create a new work markdown file for today and yesterday at same time:

$ work-md ty

Open or create a new work markdown file for tomorrow:

$ work-md to

Open or create specific date work markdown file(s):

Day 1 from month 5 and year 2000:

$ work-md o -d=1 -m=5 -y=2000

Day 1, 2 and 3 from the current month and year:

$ work-md o -d=1,2,3

Day 1 and 2 from month 4 and current year:

$ work-md o -d=1,2 -m=4    

Day 1 to 25 from month 2 and current year:

$ work-md o -d=1..25 -m=2    

Day 1 to 25 from month 2 and current year and 1 to 25 from month 2 in 1999:

$ work-md o -d=1..25 -m=2 and -d=1..25 -m=2 -y=1999

The -d argument is required in all cases.

Open the last file created:

$ work-md l

And the last 'n' files created:

$ work-md l 7

Open or create a new work markdown file for today and open the last file created:

$ work-md tl

Parse your work markdown files:

The parse command receive the same query arguments that open command receives, but instead of open it parse all the files matching the query, ex:

Day 1 from month 5 and year 2000:

$ work-md p -d=1 -m=5 -y=2000

Day 1 to 25 from month 2 and current year and 1 to 25 from month 2 in 1999:

$ work-md p -d=1..25 -m=2 and -d=1..25 -m=2 -y=1999

The -d argument is required in all cases.

Parse the last 'n' work markdown files:

Last 15 days:

$ work-md pl 15

Quick scrum daily in text:

Get today and the last work day and parse in a "done / todo" message for async scrum daily texts:

$ work-md daily

Delete your work markdown files:

The query for delete files is the same as open and parse commands, ex:

Day 1 from month 5 and year 2000:

$ work-md d -d=1 -m=5 -y=2000

Day 1 to 25 from month 2 and current year and 1 to 25 from month 2 in 1999:

$ work-md d -d=1..25 -m=2 and -d=1..25 -m=2 -y=1999

The -d argument is required in all cases.

Add permanent annotations:

Sometimes we need to keep permanent annotations (not only for a specific day), so we can:

$ work-md a

Configure your preferences:

$ work-md c

This command creates a config.yml file in [YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY]/work-md (or open, if the file already exists)

We can configure work-md behaviour adding values in the created file, example:

title: Your Name # Title your files
editor: gedit # Your default editor
lang: pt # Your language ('pt', 'en' and 'es' available)

Tags and multiples projects:

We can use the -tag argument in any work-md command, ex:

$ work-md t -tag=other_project

It will scope the command to the other_project tag, behind the scenes a tag is only a subdirectory in the root work-md directory. We can also set the tag with an environment variable named WORK_MD_TAG, ex:

$ WORK_MD_TAG=other_project work-md t


work-md t-> work-md today

work-md y-> work-md yesterday

work-md ty-> work-md tyesterday

work-md to-> work-md tomorrow

work-md l-> work-md last

work-md tl-> work-md tlast

work-md p-> work-md parse

work-md pl-> work-md plast

work-md o-> work-md open

work-md d-> work-md delete

work-md a-> work-md annotations

work-md c-> work-md config


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Work::Md project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.