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Workarea Commerce plugin to support imported orders


~> 3.x, >= 3.4.x
 Project Readme

WebLinc Legacy Orders

Workarea Commerce platform plugin that enables the importing of orders from outside sources. Useful during the migration process from another system where you wish to preserve order data for customers.


  • Display order history inline with Workarea order history for customers
  • Supports order lookup behavior for guest orders
  • Admin UI support for searching and browsing legacy orders
  • Admin UI support for importing and exporting legacy orders
  • Admin API Support for viewing legacy orders

Getting Started

Add the gem to your application's Gemfile:

# ...
gem 'workarea-legacy_orders'
# ...

Update your application's bundle.

cd path/to/application

Data Structure

Legacy orders are structured to be a simplistic representation of order data as compared to real Workarea order data. This more basic data structure alleviates the need to recreate or work around missing data when importing from outside sources. A legacy order has its own model, with embedded documents for items, tenders, and addresses.

  id: '012789',
  email: '',
  customer_number: '0001031',
  alternate_number: 'PO-85201',
  placed_at: Time.parse('20/02/2020 20:20:20'),
  status: 'shipped',
  shipping_method: 'USPS Priority Mail',
  shipping_total: 14.82.to_m,
  tax_total: 8.94.to_m,
  discount_total: -5.to_m,
  total_price: 172.73.to_m,
  data: {
    tracking_number: '1Z0E85051951',
    promo_codes: ['5OFF'],
    token: 'b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184'
  billing_address: {
    first_name: 'Robert',
    last_name: 'Clams',
    street: '22 South 3rd St.',
    street_2: 'Second Floor',
    city: 'Philadelphia',
    region: 'PA',
    postal_code: '19106',
    country: 'US'
  shipping_address: {
    first_name: 'Robert',
    last_name: 'Clams',
    street: '22 South 3rd St.',
    street_2: 'Second Floor',
    city: 'Philadelphia',
    region: 'PA',
    postal_code: '19106',
    country: 'US'
  items: [
      name: 'Awesome T-Shirt',
      sku: 'ATS001',
      quantity: 1,
      price: 24.99.to_m,
      detail: {
        'Color' => 'Black',
        'Size' => 'Medium'
      customizations: {
       'custom text' => 'Clever Saying Goes Here'
      status: 'pending'
      name: 'Fancy Pants',
      sku: 'FP1337',
      product_id: '00815291',
      quantity: 2,
      price: 128.98.to_m,
      details: { 'Size' => '30x30' },
      status: 'shipped'
  tenders: [
      type: 'gift card',
      number: 'XXXXXXXX6681',
      amount: 50.to_m
      type: 'credit card',
      number: 'XXXXXXXXXXXX1212',
      amount: 122.73.to_m,
      issuer: 'visa',
      expiration_month: '11',
      expiration_year: '2022',
      data: { authorization_id: '1595263196681261473' }


_id To match a Workarea order, the ID of a LegacyOrder represents the order number displayed across the site.
email Required. The email address associated to the order.
customer_number Used to store a reference to the customer that placed the order. When looking for legacy orders for a user, Workarea will look to match the user's ID with this number.
alternate_number Allows for the storage of other reference numbers other than ID.
placed_at Required. When the order was placed.
status The overall status of the order.
shipping_method The name of the shipping method that was used for the order.
shipping_total The total cost of shipping for the order.
tax_total Required. The total cost of tax for the order.
discount_total The total value of discounts for the order.
total_price Required. The total cost of the entire order, including tax, shipping, and discounts.
data A hash field that can be used to store other relevant data that you wish to preserve from orders imported to Workarea.
billing_address An embedded document of the order's billing address. See Workarea::LegacyOrder::Address below.
shipping_address An embedded document of the order's shipping address. See Workarea::LegacyOrder::Address below.
items An embedded collection of items for the order. See Workarea::LegacyOrder::Item below.
tenders An embedded collection of payment methods used for the order. See Workarea::LegacyOrder::Tender below.


name Required. The display name for the item. Often this will be the name of the product.
sku Required. The unique identifier for the specific item.
product_id The ID of the product.
quantity Required. The quantity of this item that was purchased.
price Required. The total price of the item.
details A hash of options for the item. Often things like color and size.
customizations A hash of values specified by the customer when being ordered, e.g. engravings.
status The fulfillment status of the item. Can be any value, but suggested to be one of pending, shipped, or canceled.
data A hash field that can be used to store other relevant data that you wish to preserve from the item imported to Workarea.


type Required. The type of tender used, e.g. credit card, gift card, paypal, etc.
number A number associated to the payment method. For credit card this would be an obfuscated number with the last four digits.
amount Required. The amount charged to this tender.
issuer For credit cards, the issuer of the card.
expiration_month For credit cards, the month of expiration.
expiration_year For credit cards, the year of expiration.
data A hash field that can be used to store other relevant data that you wish to preserve from the tender imported to Workarea.


Legacy order address fields match fields for all other addresses in Workarea. The only exception is that legacy order addresses are not validated and allow for any number of fields to be blank if information is not available.

  • first_name
  • last_name
  • street
  • street_2
  • city
  • company
  • region
  • postal_code
  • country
  • phone_number
  • phone_extension

Workarea Platform Documentation

See for Workarea platform documentation.


Workarea Shopify Migration is released under the Business Software License