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The purpose of this library is to provide a framework for defining and executing complex workflows as a series of actions, with robust error handling, validation, and state management. By extending or inheriting from the library's classes and modules, developers can create flexible and maintainable workflows that seamlessly integrate with existing projects, supporting custom validation adapters and state adapters to bridge different control mechanisms.
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Workflow template

The purpose of this library is to provide a framework for defining and executing complex workflows as a series of actions, with robust error handling, validation, and state management. By extending or inheriting from the library's classes and modules, developers can create flexible and maintainable workflows that seamlessly integrate with existing projects, supporting custom validation adapters and state adapters to bridge different control mechanisms.

Declaring a template

A template is a module or class extending WorkflowTemplate::Workflow::ModuleMethods that declares a sequence of named actions. Simple declaration would look like this:

module SimpleWorkflow
  extend WorkflowTemplate::Workflow::ModuleMethods

The two methods to declare an action – apply and and_then – are synonyms and can be used interchangeably. However, the intention is to use them as shown: declaration starts with apply followed by a series of and_then.

The class or module must be frozen at the end. An unfrozen workflow template is considered to be in construction – actions can be added, removed or rearranged. Only the call to freeze fixes everything in place. Note that freeze raises error when the declaration is incomplete or ambiguous.

Wrapper actions

Some actions need to wrap around a portion of the template or the whole of it. A typical example would be a step adding logging or one that opens a database transaction. There are two ways to declare such actions. The first is to simply open a block and declare nested steps inside:

module NestedActionsWorkflow
  extend WorkflowTemplate::Workflow::ModuleMethods

  apply(:log) do 
    and_then(:transaction) do 


Sometimes it is useful to declare a wrapper action that is engaged only under certain conditions. For example logging step may be applicable only in environments other than production. Alternative syntax can be used to achieve this, though it is limited to actions that wrap around the entire template, not just a part of it.

module WrapperActionsWorkflow
  extend WorkflowTemplate::Workflow::ModuleMethods

  wrap_template(:log) unless Rails.env.production?
  and_then(:transaction) do 


For both simple and wrapper actions alike, there's an option to provide default for certain action arguments. This can be useful when an additional service object is used inside an action but we want to allow injecting a mock object in tests or for debugging purposes. The following declaration shows an action that receives a default logger:

apply(:log_inputs, defaults: { logger: LOGGER })

Defining an implementation

To run a workflow, a receiver object must be supplied that implements a method for every template action.

The implementation object should be stateless although this isn't enforced. Usually the entire state is maintained by the template processor that passes it into each individual action in turn.

It is expected that each action will return a hash with symbolic keys. There are two reserved keys with special meanings. If the hash contains :error key with a truthy value, the action is considered unsuccessful and processing will finish at this point. Another special key is :halted which also will stop processing, but in this case the outcome will be reported as success.

What will happen to the object returned from an action depends on the default_state_transition_strategy setting, which takes two values, :merge and :update, defaulting to :merge.

  • With merge strategy the intermediate state and the fresh result are combined together and the whole is passed to the next action. This means the action can return just the new or updated keys and ignore parameters that are not meaningful in the given context. If the action is a pure effect and has nothing to return, nil is also an acceptable return value. This means individual actions can be designed independently from each other, not really having to care about the precise interface of the next one.
  • When the update strategy is specified, only the exact result returned from an action is passed into the next action, and the previous state is discarded. The advantage of this approach may be that it provides better visibility of the parameters used throughout the template and possibly leads to more thoughtfully designed method interfaces.

Implementing simple actions

A simple action is a method that accepts a set of keyword arguments and returns a hash with symbolic keys. The following example demonstrates an implementation using module functions:

module SimpleImplementation
  def self.add_thirteen(input:)
    { intermediate: input + 13 }

  def self.multiply_by_three(intermediate:, **)
    { intermediate: intermediate * 3 }

  def self.divide_by_seven(intermediate:, **)
    { result: intermediate / 7 }

Implementing wrapper actions

A wrapper action is a bit more involved. There's a block passed to the action alongside the usual keyword arguments. The action will in most cases call the block exactly once and return whatever the block returns. A typical pattern would look like this:

def self.log(**input, &block)
  Logger.log('Entering workflow')
  result =**input)
  Logger.log('Exiting workflow')

The block can be called safely multiple times, eg. when implementing retry logic for actions that might fail. The workflow's internal state is immutable and is recreated with each call. Therefore only the parameters provided in each attempt will be visible within the block.

Executing a workflow

With both the template and the implementation in place, we can call the perform method on the template with a hash containing all input data and an implementation object as arguments. All actions will be invoked as method calls on the implementation object in order of declaration.

Merge strategy being the default, the workflow declared earlier will yield an outcome containing all keys that were ever returned from any action within the workflow along with the keys sent in as the input:

outcome = SimpleWorkflow.perform({ input: 1 }, SimpleImplementation)
expect( eq({ input: 1, intermediate: 42, result: 6 })

To change this behavior, the default_state_transition_strategy method is available in the template body. Instead of setting an overall default strategy, the strategy can be set for individual steps. It is also possible to combine both approaches like so:

module MixedStrategyWorkflow
  extend WorkflowTemplate::Workflow::ModuleMethods

  default_state_transition_strategy :merge

  and_then(:divide_by_seven, state: :update)

When we run the workflow modified this way, we can see that the outcome now contains only the return value of the very last action.

outcome = MixedStrategyWorkflow.perform({ input: 1 }, SimpleImplementation)
expect( eq({ result: 6 })

To normalize output after all actions have been performed, the recommended approach is to specify the shape of the return value using normalize_output method. This will ensure output is normalized even if the workflow template exited early (using the halted key) and also that all desired keys will always be present in the output, with extra keys omitted and missing keys set to nil. Note that error key gets special treatment and will never be omitted from the output if it has a truthy value.

module NormalizeOutputWorkflow
  extend WorkflowTemplate::Workflow::ModuleMethods
  normalize_output :result, :extra

We can run the workflow now to verify that the output is normalized:

outcome = NormalizeOutputWorkflow.perform({ input: 1 }, SimpleImplementation)
expect( eq({ result: 6, extra: nil })

Implicit implementation object

So far we have shown templates declared on a module extending WorkflowTemplate::Workflow::ModuleMethods. There is also the Workflow class, that can be inherited from. The advantage over the prior approach is that we get an implicit implementation object, which is an instance of the given workflow class, so any instance method implemented by the class becomes an action implementation. The declaration will look like this:

class ImplObjectWorkflow < WorkflowTemplate::Workflow
  def add_thirteen(input:)
    { intermediate: input + 13 }
  def multiply_by_three(intermediate:, **)
   { intermediate: intermediate * 3 }
  def divide_by_seven(intermediate:, **)
    { result: intermediate / 7 }

Such a workflow can be invoked both ways: calling the class method, providing custom implementation, or calling the perform instance method on the implementation object.

outcome = ImplObjectWorkflow.impl.perform({ input: 1 })
expect( eq({ input: 1, intermediate: 42, result: 6 })

Execution errors

Whenever an error is raised inside an action, it is rescued and stored inside the state, along with other values that may already be there. The process is then aborted and an outcome with all the accumulated data is returned. The workflow will also enter the error state when any truthy value is returned directly from the action under the :error key. This is actually the preferred way of reporting an error given that instantiation of an error object is a relatively costly operation.

The workflow rescues most errors that occur inside the perform method but not all. There is one specific class of errors – WorkflowTemplate::Fatal – that is never rescued and falls through the stack to the call site. This happens when some action declared in the template is not defined on the implementation object, or the action returns an unexpected type (anything else than a hash with symbolic keys or nil). Also ArgumentError is re-raised when it occurs immediately during the invocation of an action, but it receives no special treatment when raised deeper in the stack.

Halting the process

There may be a good reason to halt the process with a successful outcome, for example to prevent a costly operation that makes no sense for the given case. This can be done at any stage by returning a truthy value under the :halted key. A symbol or string can be used to identify the reason why the process was halted to facilitate special handling for such case. The outcome of the workflow will be a success unless some error is returned along with it.

Handling the outcome

The outcome object holds the data resulting from the workflow execution. It has a status property set to :ok or :error to inform whether execution was successful. An intuitive approach to outcome handling may be to first check the state of the outcome and then access the data hash directly:

if outcome.status == :ok

There are more convenient ways to do this. We can call either of the unwrap, slice or fetch methods – these will succeed with successful outcome and raise an error otherwise.

  • unwrap just returns the final state hash
  • slice and fetch both take parameters to specify what key or keys client code is interested in. While fetch returns one single value, slice will return a tuple containing all values under specified keys. Those that are missing from the data will be returned as nil.
@foo = outcome.fetch(:foo)
@bar, @bax = outcome.slice(:bar, :bax)
@result_hash = outcome.unwrap

A more sophisticated way to deal with the outcome is to use a handler block:

outcome.handle do 
  ok do |result:, **|

Once the handler block is opened, it must account for both ok and error outcome. When a handler for one of the two possible outcomes is missing, the handler block always raises an error no matter what the actual outcome would be. The otherwise_unwrap statement shown above can be used instead of ok or error handler as a shortcut. It is activated with an outcome that is not handled explicitly and its effect is the same as a direct call to the unwrap method. In presence of an error it will re-raise, otherwise the final state will be returned.

Whatever value is returned from an individual handler becomes the return value of the entire handler block so it can be used in the enclosing scope. The handlers are actually bound to the enclosing scope themselves, so whatever variables and methods are visible out there, they can be referred to or assigned to inside the handler.

It is possible to handle specific errors in a separate block, matching on their type or value. All possible states need to be covered so a catch-all error block or otherwise_unwrap statement must be present.

outcome.handle do 
  ok do |result:, **|
  error(:unauthorized) do |**|
  error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) do |**|
  error do |error:, **|


The library allows for declaring validations that are run at certain points in the workflow. Whenever a validation doesn't pass it stores an error into the state hash, turning a successful result into failure.

Validation is declared using declare_validations module method that accepts name as the first positional parameter and the using keyword specifying validation adapter to be used.

This is followed by an invocation of the validate method that takes optional key as the first parameter, along with some keyword arguments or a block depending on the adapter in use. The key parameter specifies which key from the state hash will be passed to the validator. When it is not provided, the whole state hash will be passed in. Naturally in that case the name parameter is required.

Once validation is declared, it can be hooked on three different points:

  • Entry point into the workflow using validate_input.
  • Exit point from the workflow using validate_output. Both methods expect symbol or an array of symbols as parameters referring to the names of validations declared on the workflow.
  • After any of the declared actions using validate keyword argument. It takes a single validation name or an array of them.
module ValidatingWorkflow
  extend WorkflowTemplate::Workflow::ModuleMethods

  declare_validation(using: :active_model).validate(:model)

  and_then(:populate, validate: :model)

Failed validation adds an :error key to the state with a value of a specific class – WorkflowTemplate::Validation::Result::Failure. This makes it possible to handle validation errors in a separate block, an approach encouraged by the library which even adds the invalid handler as syntax sugar:

outcome.handle do 
  ok do |result:, **|
  invalid do |error:, **|
  error do |error:, **|

Currently there are three ready-to-use validation adapters:

  • :generic accepts a block that returns true when validation passes and false followed by optional detail when validation fails.
  • :active_model works with anything that includes ActiveModel::Validations or implements similar behavior.
  • :dry_validation validates the input against Dry::Validation::Contract.

The following code declares validations using all available adapters. Multiple validations may be declared for each hook or action. They will run in order of declaration and the process will stop with the first failed validation. This means that even if there are multiple validations declared for a hook or action, only a single validation error is ever present in the outcome.

require 'workflow_template/adapters/validation/dry_validation'
require 'workflow_template/adapters/validation/active_model'

class MultipleValidationWorkflow
  extend WorkflowTemplate::Workflow::ModuleMethods

  declare_validation(:contract, using: :dry_validation).validate(contract: Contract)
  declare_validation(:authorization, using: :generic).validate(:user) do |user|
    user.can?(:do_stuff) ? true : [false, :unauthorized]
  declare_validation(using: :active_model).validate(:model)

  validate_input :contract
  validate_input [:authorization]

  apply(:populate, validate: :model)


The library is open to extension and allows for custom validation adapters to be added. Please refer to existing adapters to see how this is done.

Redefining the flow

When template is declared as a class instead of a module, it can be inherited from and modified in a subclass. The subclasses will mostly just override implementation methods, but sometimes there's a need to add, remove or replace declared actions. This can be done using following methods:

class SimpleSuperclass < Workflow 
  apply :first 
  and_then :third


class SimpleSubclass < SimpleSuperclass
  prepend_action(before: :third).apply(:second)
  append_action(after: :third).apply(:fourth)


Even nested actions can be rearranged using inside_action with a block:

class NestingSuperclass < WorkflowTemplate::Workflow
  apply(:wrapper) do


class NestingSubclass < NestingSuperclass
  inside_action(:wrapper) do
    prepend_action(before: :nested).apply(:before_nested)
    append_action(after: :nested).apply(:after_nested)


Note that during development, the describe class method can be used to check the result of these modifications.

expect(NestingSubclass.describe).to eq(<<~DESC)
  state: merge


State adapter

The control flow in template processing is straightforward: whenever the result hash contains a truthy value under :error key, the action is considered failed. When integrating workflow templates into an existing project that uses some other control mechanism, such as a result monad, the presence of two incompatible conventions may be perceived as an obstacle. To bridge this gap, the library provides an extension point: the state adapter. It exposes a couple of methods to be overridden in order to translate between workflow template built-in internal state representation (a hash) and whatever other structure the client code may be using. As an example implementation, the library ships with the Dry::Monads::Result adapter. To switch between adapters, use state_adapter method:

require 'workflow_template/adapters/state/dry_monads'

class DryMonadsWorkflow < WorkflowTemplate::Workflow
  include Dry::Monads[:result]
  state_adapter :dry_monads
  def increment(input:, **)
    Success(output: input + 1)  

The outcome of such workflow is the same as with the default state adapter, with all handling methods available. Nevertheless, it is also possible to convert the outcome into the custom result object and use its own methods to access and process the final state:

outcome = DryMonadsWorkflow.impl.perform({ input: 1 })
expect(outcome.to_result.value!).to eq({ input: 1, output: 2 })

The to_result method can transform result between different state adapters. This way, a workflow that uses :default adapter internally can wrap the result hash into Dry::Monads::Result as shown here:

require 'workflow_template/adapters/state/dry_monads'

outcome = ImplObjectWorkflow.impl.perform({ input: 1 })
expect(outcome.to_result(:dry_monads).value!).to eq({ input: 1, intermediate: 42, result: 6 })


This library is published under MIT license