- Last changes: 2013-06-18
Worm is an gem wrapping Frank console. It is a way to use irb to inspect the accessible elements of an iOS app, but if you really want to have fun, use it to drive your iOS application.
Further README contents
Installation and setup
Example Commands
Installation and Setup
gem install worm
Since worm is merely a Frank wrapper you must have a Frankified app to drive. After issuing the Frank commands
'frank build'
'frank launch'
to launch you iOS application in the iOS simulator.
Start irb.
require 'worm'
worm = Worm.new
- Example Commands
worm.buttons #returns a list of all the buttons on the current screen accessible by accessibilityLabel
worm.labels #returns a list of all the labels currently accessible by accessibilityLabel
worm.press 'label' #touches a UI element by accessibilityLabel
worm.type 'label' 'words' #types the inputted string into the accessible text field accessibilityLabel
- Contribute
If you're awesome enough to want to contribute
fork it
clone it
push to a feature branch
submit pull request