xively-rb-connector is a ruby gem that provides an interface to Xively. It extends Sam Mulube's excellent xively-rb gem. This gem adds convenience functions such as find_by_id lookup functions, datastream compression (only saves datapoints when value changes), a datapoint recording buffer, etc.
Xively is a public cloud specifically built for the "Internet of Things". With their platform, developers can connect physical devices, that produce one or more datastreams, to a managed data store. The device's details and datastreams are accessible via key-based access to any service or application that has access to the web. Xively provides a fantastic development portal and prototyping accounts are free.
- Ruby 1.9.3 or higher
- A Xively account
Contact, feedback and bugs
Please file bugs / issues and feature requests on the issue tracker
gem install xively-rb-connector
require 'xively-rb-connector'
# Xively provides a master api-key and device specific keys. To my knowledge, either can be used here.
# Each device on Xively gets thier own ID, which is exposed via thier REST API as a "feed"
feed_id = '123456789'
# Find your device on Xively by its feed_id
d = XivelyConnector.find_device_by_id(feed_id, my_api_key)
# Access details about the device
d.id # 123456789
d.feed # https://api.xively.com/v2/feeds/123456789.json
d.auto_feed_url # https://api.xively.com/v2/feeds/123456789.json
d.title # My Meter
d.device_serial # FOOBAR123456
d.description # The xively on xively.com
d.tags # ["Gas", "Power", "Propane", "Water"]
d.creator # https://xively.com/users/foo
d.email # your.email@gmail.com
d.website # http://www.your-website.com
d.created # 2014-01-01 16:36:30 UTC
d.updated # 2014-03-31 05:02:25 UTC
d.private # true
d.is_private? # true
d.status # live
d.is_frozen? # false
# Access location data directly
d.has_location? # true
d.location_name # The location name on xively.com
d.location_domain # physical
d.location_lon # -78.12343456
d.location_lat # 35.12343454
d.location_ele # 354 feet
# Or get a structure that has all the location details
l = d.location #<OpenStruct name="The location name on xively.com", latitude=35.12343454, longitude=-78.12343456, elevation="354 feet", exposure=nil, disposition=nil, waypoints=nil, domain="physical">
l.name # The location name on xively.com
l.domain # physical
l.longitude # -78.12343456
l.latitude # 35.12343454
l.elevation # 354 feet
# Examine datastreams
d.datastream_ids # ["Amperage", "Propane", "Voltage", "Power", "Well"]
d.datastream_values # ["Amperage in Amps (A) = 0", "Propane in Cubic Feet (cft) = 0", "Voltage in Volts (V) = 9", "Power in Watts (W) = 0", "Well in Cubic Feet (cft) = 0"]
d.has_channel?('Voltage') # true
# Access datastreams by channel name using bracket syntax
d['Voltage'] # <XivelyConnector::Datastream:0x007ff62a137b80>
d['Voltage'].current_value # 9
ds = d['Volts']
ds.id # Voltage
ds.unit_label # Volts
ds.unit_symbol # V
ds.current_value # 9
ds.tags # Power
ds.min_value # 0.0
ds.max_value # 25.0
# Setup my datastream buffer
ds.only_save_changes = true # Will only queue a datapoint if its value is different from the previous datapoint's which is also the current_value
ds.datapoint_buffer_size = 60 # Will auto-save to feed when 60 points are queued
ds.only_save_changes # true
ds.only_saves_changes? # true
ds.datapoint_buffer_size # 60
# Queue new datapoints in a number of ways using the shift operator
# BigDecimal is used for value comparison so "10" == 10 == 10.0
ds.datapoints.size # 0
ds << Xively::Datapoint.new(:value => "10", :at => Time.now,())
ds << {:at=>':at => Time.now(), :value => "10"}
ds << "10"
ds << 10
ds << 10.0
ds << 11
# If ds.only_save_changes is true, the commands above only result in two datapoints being queued (because the only unique values recorded were 10 and 11)
ds.datapoints.size # 2
# Save datapoints to xively.com
ds.datapoints.size # 0
- Free Xively Developer Account
- xively-rb
- xively-js is a javascript lib for viewing and charting Xively data
Special Thanks
- Xively - for an awesome data platform
- Sam Mulube - for xively-rb
- Ian Duggan - for introducing me to ruby