XML-MAPPING: XML-to-object (and back) Mapper for Ruby, including XPath Interpreter
Xml-mapping is an easy to use, extensible library that allows you to semi-automatically map Ruby objects to XML trees and vice versa.
Trivial Example
sample document
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<item reference="RF-0001">
<Description>Stuffed Penguin</Description>
mapping class
class Item
include XML::Mapping
text_node :ref, "@reference"
text_node :descr, "Description"
numeric_node :quantity, "Quantity"
numeric_node :unit_price, "UnitPrice"
def total_price
i = Item.load_from_file("item.xml")
=> #<Item:0xb7888c90 @ref="RF-0001" @quantity=10, @descr="Stuffed Penguin", @unit_price=8.95>
i.unit_price = 42.23
xml=i.save_to_xml #convert to REXML node; there's also o.save_to_file(name)
<item reference="RF-0001">
<Description>Stuffed Penguin</Description>
This is the most trivial example -- the mapper supports arbitrary array and hash (map) nodes, object (reference) nodes and arrays/hashes of those, polymorphic mappings, multiple mappings per class, fully programmable mappings and arbitrary user-defined node types. Read the project documentation for more information.