This is a Ruby wrapper for the excellent soccer data API that can be found at www.xmlsoccer.com
This particular gem is a rewrite/refactoring of the xmlsoccer gem (https://github.com/kavinderd/xmlsoccer)
This gem requires Ruby 2.0 or greater, due to the use of keyword arguments in methods.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "xml_soccer"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install xml_soccer
The xmlsoccer.com API is a SOAP service, so this gem uses the 'Savon' gem to interface.
I would recommend everyone interested in using this gem to first read the documentation for the xmlsoccer.com API at http://xmlsoccer.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
Additionally, the author of the xmlsoccer.com API has put a rate limit on all requests: http://xmlsoccer.wikia.com/wiki/Time_interval_limits
Methods will return an Array of the results (as Hashes) from the API call. If an error occurs or there are no results for the query, methods will return nil, and print the response from the API call to the console.
You must have an xmlsoccer.com API Key and know which API type to use. Currently there are two types: XmlSoccer::DEMO and XmlSoccer::FULL. Demo is the default if you do not explicitly provide a type.
Example Usage:
xmlsoccer.com API GetAllLeagues
xmlsoccer = XmlSoccer.new(api_key: 'Api_key', api_type:'Api_Type')
leagues = xmlsoccer.leagues
if leagues
leagues.each do |league|
puts league[:name]
puts "No results or an error occured!"
The following methods are currently implemented:
xml_soccer method | xmlsoccer.com API call |
check_api_key |
CheckApiKey |
leagues |
GetAllLeagues |
teams |
GetAllTeams |
teams_in_league_by_season(league: 'league', season: 'season') |
GetAllTeamsByLeagueAndSeason |
team(team: 'team') |
GetTeam |
earliest_match_date_by_league(league: 'league') |
GetEarliestMatchDatePerLeague |
fixture(fixture_id: 'fixture_id') |
GetFixtureMatchByID |
fixtures_by_date(start_date: Date, end_date: Date) |
GetFixturesByDateInterval |
fixtures_by_date_and_league(league: 'league', start_date: Date, end_date: Date) |
GetFixturesByDateIntervalAndLeague |
fixtures_by_date_and_team(team: 'team', start_date: Date, end_date: Date) |
GetFixturesByDateIntervalAndTeam |
fixtures_by_league_and_season(league: 'league', season: 'season') |
GetFixturesByLeagueAndSeason |
historic_match_by_fixture(fixture_id: 'fixture_id') |
GetHistoricMatchesByFixtureMatchID |
historic_match(match_id: 'match_id') |
GetHistoricMatchesByID |
historic_matches_by_league_and_date(league: 'league', start_date: Date, end_date: Date) |
GetHistoricMatchesByLeagueAndDateInterval |
historic_matches_by_league_and_season(league: 'league', season: 'season') |
GetHistoricMatchesByLeagueAndSeason |
historic_matches_by_team_and_date(team: 'team', start_date: Date, end_date: Date) |
GetHistoricMatchesByTeamAndDateInterval |
historic_matches_by_teams_and_date(team_1: 'team_1', team_2: 'team_2', start_date: Date, end_date: Date) |
GetHistoricMatchesByTeamsAndDateInterval |
league_standings_by_season(league: 'league', season: 'season') |
GetLeagueStandingsBySeason |
live_scores |
GetLiveScore |
live_scores_by_league(league: 'league') |
GetLiveScoreByLeague |
odds_by_fixture(fixture_id: 'league') |
GetOddsByFixtureMatchId |
top_scorers_by_league_and_season(league: 'league', season: 'season') |
GetTopScorersByLeagueAndSeason |
players_by_team(team_id: 'team_id') |
GetPlayersByTeam |
player(player_id: 'player_id') |
GetPlayerById |
- Fork it ( https://github.com/nosenseworrying/xmlsoccer/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request