Yahoo Finance API wrapper, fetch stock quotes and stock chart data
Just install yafa or add it to your gemfile gem 'yafa'
Quotes data
Fetches the current/most recent stock quote:
tickers = ['GOOG']
fetcher = StockQuotes.new(tickers)
quotes = fetcher.fetch
Tickers array takes up to 400 tickers at once
Chart data
Fetches per-minute quotes for the last day, good for making charts of recent stock prices
ticker = 'GOOG'
fetcher = StockChart.new(ticker)
chart_data = fetcher.fetch
Fetches for a single ticker per request
Historical Data
Coming soon...
Worth knowing
- Yahoo Finance API sometimes goes down, so handle failed requests
- Stay under your Yahoo API request limit, something like 20k/day (based on IP address making the request)
- Historical data api
- Config for fetcher (i.e. timeouts, query params)
- Option to replace Yahoo time and key formatting with a consistent format