The yamln8tor is a Rails i18n framework YAML syntax validator.
Since we don't have this hosted on a gem server yet, you'll need to build and install manually.
$ gem build yamln8tor.gemspec
$ gem install yamln8tor-0.0.1.gem
Note that when you run gem install
you're installing yamln8tor for the ruby build you're currently on (this project includes a .rbenv-version
file that defaults to 1.9.2)
yamln8tor help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
yamln8tor validate DIRECTORY # Validate syntax for all YAML files in the given base directory
$ yamln8tor validate <PATH_TO_I18N_DIR>
Validating YAML files in ../app/content.
(text/en/mailer/email/share_book.yml): found unexpected end of stream while scanning a quoted scalar at line 10 column 22
(text/es/mailer/email/shipped_confirmation.yml): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 5 column 9
Finished validating YAML files. Found 2 errors.
- Verify key parity between locales and do a diff between locale structures.
- Colorized output.
- On error, print out the file blob so we can visually inspect the error inline.