Introducing the Yatter gem (Yet another Twitter wrapper)
require 'yatter'
registry ='/home/james/da2/registry/registry.xml')
t = registry, user: 'jrobertson'
t.update "Testing the Yatter gem (Yet another Twitter wrapper), please ignore"
The above example posts a status update to Twitter using the Yatter gem which is a wrapper of the Twitter gem.
In this gem it retrieves the Twitter oauth credentials from an XML based registry file. The sensitive credentials are encrypted which is why a lookup_file is passed in to decrypt them.
Here's a sample of the twitter_jrobertson.reg file I imported to the registry:
hkey_apps/microblog/twitter/jrobertson ctoken: 38najKwhmfYRJruC94kRSg csecret: xIiVvzWYPv8bHjZm528wBDDJyoR1pIvGmBss453MR1tP6LR1tPBBb7Ezrd6LqfZmsXBByoEJEJBBWYR18x7L8b atoken: 763224-5iKZYjX35tUm5qaMaNXwlYgEMm9QnQFnKLwq9OyecE asecret: FznV2pc5k19E52xE2pGm2pEzWYHjHuqZZlGmTvR1EzBE1Ku8aPrIy4WYvz2N1K2bPv9k1KPePvBEGmqAHjmBHj lookup_file: /home/james/password-210115_lookup.xml
- twitter by sferik
- yatter
yatter twitter gem wrapper