It's not very good.
Please don't actually use this.
How to use it
Add the dependency:
# Gemfile
source "https://rubygems.org/"
gem "yokunai"
Run bundle
, of course. Then make a controller:
# lib/my_app.rb
require "yokunai"
%r{^/$} => {class: "HomeController", methods: ["GET"]}
class HomeController < Yokunai::AbstractController
def get
respond body: "It works!"
Now just make a rackup config so we can run something:
# config.ru
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "lib"))
require "my_app"
run Yokunai::Application.new(
route_map: ROUTES,
base_dir: File.dirname(__FILE__)
Then just bundle exec rackup
and you're gold, Ponyboy.
You can configure Yokunai via a YAML file. Create config/development.yml
(where development
is whatever environment you want to configure). Anything in
this file will be populated into the Yokunai::Config
helper, so you can fetch
things easily with Yokunai::Config.get("my_key")
anywhere in your app.
For example,
# config/development.yml
template_dir: web/htmls
some_secret_key: abc123
Some values have defaults to make setup easier, feel free to override any of them. An exhaustive list can be found in the Config class itself.
You probably have frontend assets, if this is a web page. There's a controller
built-in for that if you want it. Just point a path with a capture called name
to Yokunai::StaticController
%r{^/assets/(?<name>.+)$} => {class: "Yokunai::StaticController", methods: ["GET"]}
Now assets will be served out of the directory you set as your asset_dir
the YAML config.
Boot Hooks
If your app needs to do something on-boot (maybe seed a cache, ping an
orchestrator, etc.) then you can create a "boot hook" to do that. Just create a
PORO class with a .run
method, which will be invoked when the app boots.
# lib/my_app/some_hook.rb
module MyApp
class SomeHook
def self.run
puts "Got hooked"
Then pass the class in when you boot the app:
# config.ru
run Yokunai::Application(
routes: ...,
base_dir: ...,
hooks: [MyApp::SomeHook]