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Ruby wrapper enabling authenticated calls to the YT Labs API


 Project Readme

YTLabs API Client

A Ruby wrapper packaged as a Gem enabling Ruby calls to the Yello Travel Labs API which provides endpoints to search & book their inventory of Korea based rental properties. Visit Yello Travel Labs at You will need an access token.

The YTLabs API uses camelCase params, however as this is a Ruby wrapper I have followed the Ruby convention of using underscore_case parameter naming, with the exception of client.post_reservation_confirmation. The belows README (and also the comments above the definition of each method) documents all required and optional parameter formats.

A work in progress as of July 2016, hence currently calling staging url.





gem install 'ytlabs_api_client'



client =, :json)


Endpoints covered:

GET Requests

get_properties: "GET /properties/"

Use this resource to get a response a list of properties in the YTLabs API.

- Required => updated_at                    Date at which data starts being returned. (YYYY-MM-
- Optional => i18n        default: "ko-KR"  Return text in other lanaguages(ko-KR, en-US, zh-CN,
- Optional => offset      default: 0        Data offset (default 0)
- Optional => limit       default: 30       Amount of requested properties (default 30)
- Optional => active      default: 1        To filter by only active properties. 0 returns all. 1 returns Active o

When parameter 'limit=0&updatedAt=1970-01-01' is specified in request, all of the properties' information is
returned. It is recommended only for the first ever call made to retrieve all information.

Usage: get_property(params)
Example usage: client.get_properties(:updated_at => "1970-01-01", :limit => 3)


get_property: "GET /properties/{propertyID}/"

Use this resource with a property_identifier (e.g. "w_w0307279") to get the property's information.

- Required => property_identifier            The unique property identifier/hash (e.g. w_w0307279)
- Optional => i18n        default: "ko-KR"   Return text in other lanaguages(ko-KR, en-US, zh-CN, ja-JP)

Usage: get_property(property_identifier, params=nil)
Example usage: client.get_property("w_w0307279", :i18n => "en-US")


get_availability: "GET /available/{propertyID}"

Use this resource with a property_identifier (e.g. "w_w0307279") & a stay start_date to obtain rates & availability.

Required => property_identifier               The unique property identifier/hash (e.g. w_w0307279)
Required => start_date                                  YYYY-MM-DD (ex: 2016-02-01). Stay start date.
Optional => end_date      default: (start_date + 1 day) YYYY-MM-DD (ex: 2016-02-05). Stay end date. If empty, defaults to start_date + 1 day.

Usage: get_availability(property_identifier, start_date, end_date=nil)
Example usage: client.get_availability("w_w0307279_R01", "2016-07-01", "2016-07-10")


get_provinces: "GET /provincecode/"

Returns a list with code or name of province.
- Optional => i18n        default: "ko-KR"    Return text in other lanaguages(ko-KR, en-US, zh-CN, ja-JP)

Example usage: client.get_provinces


get_cities: "GET /citycode/"

Returns a list with code or name of cities.
- Optional => i18n        default: "ko-KR"    Return text in other lanaguages(ko-KR, en-US, zh-CN, ja-JP)

Example usage: client.get_cities


get_extra_service_codes: "GET /extraservicecode/"

Returns a list mapping the codes and names of extra services.
- Optional => i18n        default: "ko-KR"    Return text in other lanaguages(ko-KR, en-US, zh-CN, ja-JP)

Example usage: client.get_extra_service_codes


get_theme_codes: "GET /themecode/"

Returns a list mapping the code and name of themes.
- Optional => i18n        default: "ko-KR"    Return text in other lanaguages(ko-KR, en-US, zh-CN, ja-JP)

Example usage: client.get_theme_codes


get_reservations: "GET /reservation/information"

1. Use this resource with a set of dates to retrieve a collection of reservations between the given dates
2. Use this resource with a reservation identifier(hash) + the start date to retrieve a collection of one reservation.

- Required => start_date              YYYY-MM-DD (ex: 2016-02-01). Search by start date.
- Required => end_date                YYYY-MM-DD (ex: 2016-02-05). Search by end date.
- Optional => reservation_identifier  The unique property identifier/hash (e.g. w_w03072)

Example usage: client.get_reservations("2016-07-01", "2016-07-10", "w_w0307279_R01")


get_room_types: "GET /roomtypes/"

Use this resource to obtain a list of all room types.
- Required => updated_at                     Date at which data starts being returned. (YYYY-MM-
- Optional => i18n        default: "ko-KR"   Return text in other lanaguages(ko-KR, en-US, zh-CN, ja-
- Optional => offset      default: 0         Data offset (default 0)
- Optional => limit       default: 30        Amount of requested room type (default 30)
- Optional => active      default: 1         To filter by only active room type. 0 returns all. 1 returns Active o

Example usage: client.get_room_types(:updated_at => "1970-01-01", :limit => 1)


get_property_room_types: "GET /properties/{propertyID}/roomtypes/"

Using a specific propertyID, get all roomtypes' information of the property.

- Required => property_identifier           Date at which data starts being returned. (YYYY-MM-
- Optional => i18n        default: "ko-KR"  Return text in other lanaguages(ko-KR, en-US, zh-CN, ja

Example usage: client.get_property_room_types("w_w0307279", :i81n => "en-US")


get_cancellation_charge: "GET /reservation/cancelcharge/"

Using a reservation number get the cancellation fee payable. If a reservation is cancelled within 7 days of the check in day, a cancellation fee will be charged.

- Required => reservation_number      Unique reservation number

Example usage: client.get_cancellation_charge("w_WP20160705145532ECD5")

POST Requests

post_reservation_request(property_identifier, start_date, end_date): "POST /reservation/holding/"

Before making a reservation, the room must be held - to prevent double booking.

Example usage: client.post_reservation_request("w_w0814002_R01", "2016-07-01", "2016-07-10")


post_reservation_confirmation: "POST /reservation/confirm"

Confirm a booking.

Format expected (Ruby Hash):

request_body = {
                  "reservationNo" => "w_WP20160718164753DE39",
                  "roomtypeCode" => "w_w0814002_R01",
                  "checkInDate" => "2016-07-01",
                  "checkOutDate" => "2016-07-10",
                  "guestName" => "Bob",
                  "guestCount" => 4,
                  "adultCount" => 2,
                  "childrenCount" => 2,
                  "paidPrice" => 2000.0,
                  "sellingPrice" => 2000.0,
                  "commissionPrice" => 200.0,
                  "currency" => "KRW"

Example usage: client.post_reservation_confirmation(request_body)


post_cancellation_request(reservation_number, paid_price, commission_price, currency) "POST /reservation/cancel"

Cancel a booking.

Example usage: client.post_cancellation_request("w_WP20160718164753DE39", 2000.0, 200.0, "KRW")