API version support
This client supports Zammad API version 1.0.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'zammad_api'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install zammad_api
Available objects
- user
- organization
- group
- ticket
- ticket_article
- ticket_state
- ticket_priority
Create instance
Username/email and password
client = ZammadAPI::Client.new(
url: 'http://localhost:3000/',
user: 'user',
password: 'some_pass'
Access token
client = ZammadAPI::Client.new(
url: 'http://localhost:3000/',
http_token: '12345678901234567890',
client = ZammadAPI::Client.new(
url: 'http://localhost:3000/',
oauth2_token: '12345678901234567890',
Resource management
Individual resources can be created, modified, saved, and destroyed.
Create object
With new and save:
group = client.group.new(
name: 'Support',
note: 'Some note',
group.id # id of record
group.name # 'Support'
With create:
group = client.group.create(
name: 'Support',
note: 'Some note',
group.id # id of record
group.name # 'Support'
Fetch object
group = client.group.find(123)
puts group.inspect
Update object
group = client.group.find(123)
group.name = 'Support 2'
Destroy object
group = client.group.find(123)
Collection management
A list of individual resources.
groups = client.group.all
group1 = groups[0]
group1.note = 'Some note'
groups.each {|group|
p "group: #{group.name}"
groups = client.group.search(query: 'some name')
group1 = groups[0]
group1.note = 'Some note'
groups.each {|group|
p "group: #{group.name}"
All with pagination (beta)
groups = client.group.all
groups.page(1,3) {|group|
p "group: #{group.name}"
group.note = 'Some new note, inclued in page 1 with 3 per page'
groups.page(2,3) {|group|
p "group: #{group.name}"
group.note = 'Some new note, inclued in page 2 with 3 per page'
Search with pagination (beta)
groups = client.group.search(query: 'some name')
groups.page(1,3) {|group|
p "group: #{group.name}"
group.note = 'Some new note, inclued in page 1 with 3 per page'
groups.page(2,3) {|group|
p "group: #{group.name}"
group.note = 'Some new note, inclued in page 2 with 3 per page'
Perform actions on behalf of another user
As described in the Zammad API documentation it is possible to perfom actions on behalf other users. To use this feature you can set the attribute of the client accordingly:
client.on_behalf_of = 'some_login'
All following actions with the client will be performed on behalf of the user with the login
To reset this back to regular requests just set nil
client.on_behalf_of = nil
It's possible to perform only a block of actions on behalf of another user via:
client.perform_on_behalf_of('some_login') do
# ticket is created on behalf of the user with
# the login "some_login"
# further actions are performed regularly.
Create a ticket:
ticket = client.ticket.create(
title: 'a new ticket #1',
state: 'new',
group: 'Users',
priority: '2 normal',
customer: 'some_customer@example.com',
article: {
content_type: 'text/plain', # or text/html, if not given test/plain is used
body: 'some body',
# attachments can be optional, data needs to be base64 encoded
attachments: [
'filename' => 'some_file.txt',
'data' => 'dGVzdCAxMjM=',
'mime-type' => 'text/plain',
ticket.id # id of record
ticket.number # uniq number of ticket
ticket.title # 'a new ticket #1'
ticket.group # 'Support'
ticket.created_at # '2022-01-01T12:42:01Z'
# ...
List all new or open tickets:
tickets = client.ticket.search(query: 'state:new OR state:open')
ticket[0].id # id of record
ticket[0].number # uniq number of ticket
ticket[0].title # 'title of ticket'
ticket[0].group # 'Support'
ticket[0].created_at # '2022-01-01T12:42:01Z'
tickets.each {|ticket|
p "ticket: #{ticket.number} - #{ticket.title}"
Get all articles of a ticket:
ticket = client.ticket.find(123)
articles = ticket.articles
articles[0].id # id of record
articles[0].from # creator of article
articles[0].to # recipients of article
articles[0].subject # article subject
articles[0].body # text of message
articles[0].content_type # text/plain or text/html of .body
articles[0].type # 'note'
articles[0].sender # 'Customer'
articles[0].created_at # '2022-01-01T12:42:01Z'
p "ticket: #{ticket.number} - #{ticket.title}"
articles.each {|article|
p "article: #{article.from} - #{article.subject}"
Create an article for a ticket:
ticket = client.ticket.find(123)
article = ticket.article(
type: 'note',
subject: 'some subject 2',
body: 'some body 2',
# attachments can be optional, data needs to be base64 encoded
attachments: [
'filename' => 'some_file.txt',
'data' => 'dGVzdCAxMjM=',
'mime-type' => 'text/plain',
article.id # id of record
article.from # creator of article
article.to # recipients of article
article.subject # article subject
article.body # text of message
article.content_type # text/plain or text/html of .body
article.type # 'note'
article.sender # 'Customer'
article.created_at # '2022-01-01T12:42:01Z'
article.attachments.each { |attachment|
attachment.filename # 'some_file.txt'
attachment.size # 1234
attachment.preferences # { :"Mime-Type"=>"image/jpeg" }
attachment.download # content of attachment / extra REST call will be executed
p "article: #{article.from} - #{article.subject}"
Create an article with html and inline images for a ticket:
ticket = client.ticket.find(123)
article = ticket.article(
type: 'note',
subject: 'some subject 2',
content_type: 'text/html', # optional, default is text/plain
article.id # id of record
article.from # creator of article
article.to # recipients of article
article.subject # article subject
article.body # text of message
article.content_type # text/plain or text/html of .body
article.type # 'note'
article.sender # 'Customer'
article.created_at # '2022-01-01T12:42:01Z'
article.attachments.each { |attachment|
attachment.filename # '122.146472496@www.znuny.com'
attachment.size # 1167
attachment.preferences # { :'Mime-Type'=>'image/jpeg', :'Content-ID'=>'122.146472496@www.znuny.com', :'Content-Disposition'=>'inline'} }
attachment.download # content of attachment / extra REST call will be executed
p "article: #{article.from} - #{article.subject}"
Setup an (empty Zammad) test env
git clone git@github.com:zammad/zammad.git
cd zammad
export RAILS_ENV="test"
export APP_RESTART_CMD="bundle exec rake zammad:ci:app:restart"
script/bootstrap.sh && echo '' > log/test.log
cp contrib/auto_wizard_test.json auto_wizard.json
bundle exec rake zammad:ci:test:start
Execute client tests
Run tests via rake spec
. (Remember to export the vars above if you are running this in another shell.)
- Update version in version.rb.
- Add release to CHANGELOG.md
- Commit.
- Test build.
> rake build
zammad_api 1.0.7 built to pkg/zammad_api-1.0.7.gem.
- Release
> rake release
zammad_api 1.0.7 built to pkg/zammad_api-1.0.7.gem.
Tag v1.0.7 has already been created.
Pushing gem to https://rubygems.org...
You have enabled multi-factor authentication. Please enter OTP code.
Code: ......
Successfully registered gem: zammad_api (1.0.7)
Pushed zammad_api 1.0.7 to https://rubygems.org
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.