Ruby Zabbix API Wrapper
Zabbix server requirements
Zabbix Server version should be 2.2 or 2.4
gem install zobbix
require 'zobbix'
zbx = Zobbix.connect(uri: 'http://localhost/zabbix',
user: 'Admin',
password: 'zabbix')
method = 'trigger.create'
params = {
description: 'Name of the trigger',
expression: 'Linux Template:system.cpu.util[all,idle,avg1].avg(120)}<5'
response = zbx.request(methods, params)
response.class #=> Zobbix::ApiResponse
version = zbx.request('apiinfo.version')
version.result #=> "2.4.6"
version.success? #=> true
error = zbx.request('unknown.method')
error.error? #=> true
error.result #=> nil
error.error_code #=> -32602
error.error_message #=> "Invalid params."
error.error_data #=> 'Incorrect API "unknown".'
error.raise_exception #=> Zobbix::Error: API returned error. Code: -32602 Message: Invalid params. Data: Incorrect API "unknown".
API Exceptions
# Enable API exceptions
zbx = Zobbix.connect(uri: 'http://localhost/zabbix',
user: 'Admin',
password: 'zabbix',
raise_exceptions: true)
zbx.request('unknown.method') #=> Zobbix::Error: API returned error. Code: -32602 Message: Invalid params. Data: Incorrect API "unknown".