ZooZ Ruby library
The ZooZ Ruby library provides an interface to the ZooZ API. This library is purely for API interaction and doesn't provide any Rails helpers. The upcoming Rails ZooZ library will provide Rails helpers.
gem install zooz
Opening a transaction
require 'zooz'
req = Zooz::Request::Open.new
# Run in sandbox mode
req.sandbox = true
# Enter your details
req.unique_id = 'your-unique-id-here'
req.app_key = 'your-app-key-here'
# Set the details of the transaction
req.currency_code = 'USD'
req.amount = 99.99
# Make the request
resp = req.request
unless resp
raise "Therre was a problem opening a transaction:\n#{req.errors.join(', ')}"
# Use the token and session_token to provide an interface to the customer
token = resp.token
session_token = resp.session_token
Verifying a transaction
Coming soon.