ZscaffoldAdmin¶ ↑
Use Rails > 3
It is a scaffold with configurable layout, controllers, models, helpers, etc. It is installed in the app templates to be used in scaffold. Can be used in applications and other Engines. Layout with Twitter Bootsrap(bootswatch.com/cerulean/). Will paginate incluse.
Install the gem in your Gemfile.
gem 'zscaffold_admin', '0.0.4'
Install files for configuration.
rails g scaffold_admin:install bundle
Then just generate the scaffold.
rails g scaffold_admin post name:string title:string enabled:boolean
Features:¶ ↑
Skips. Layout options to choose from when installing.
Bugs:¶ ↑
currently has about Engines and namespace are being repaired.
License¶ ↑
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.