Build and analyze relationship graph data from email history.
Focus is on identities and interactions between them, for example:
- Who are my strong contacts, as identified by some two-way interaction threshold function?
- Which of my contacts can we infer are also strong contacts with one another?
- What is the distribution of my email interactions with a given person over time?
Graph types
There are two types of graphs to be built from email data.
1. Interaction graph
Class: EmailGraph::InteractionGraph
This is a directed graph where each vertex is an email address and each edge is
an instance of EmailGraph::InteractionRelationship
- a directed interaction
history between two emails.
The graph has these properties:
- Implements common graph methods (e.g.,
, etc) - Efficient fetching of vertices' in-edges (not always a default of graph structures)
- Loops allowed
Given a message, an interaction is created from the sender to every address in
the to
, cc
, and bcc
fields - there is no distinction among the latter.
objects have an interactions
which holds an array of the Time
objects of the interactions.
# Assuming you have an array 'messages' of message-like objects (see below for
# how to use the Gmail fetcher)
g =
messages.each{ |m| g.add_message(m) }
# ...or...
g = messages)
# For example, see a sorted list of your email contacts by emails sent
.sort_by{ |e| -e.interactions.size }
.map{ |e| [, e.interactions.size] }
2. Mutual relationship graph
Class: EmailGraph::UndirectedGraph
(just uses the abstract class)
This is an undirected graph where each vertex is also an email, however, this
time, the edges are instances of EmailGraph::MutualRelationship
- an
undirected edge that similarly includes an interaction history (though an
undirected one).
This graph is created from an EmailGraph::InteractionGraph
by creating
undirected edges from pairs of directed edge inverses. Optionally, a filter can
be applied during this process to determine whether an undirected edge is
created for a given pair of directed edges.
g = messages)
# This creates the graph using the default filter, which is that an edge has to
# have an inverse in order to create a new undirected edge.
mg = g.to_mutual_graph
# Alternatively, you can specify a custom filter. For example, this replicates
# the one used by A. Chapanond et al. in their analysis of emails* from the Enron
# case data set
filter = do |e, e_inverse|
if e && e_inverse
counts = [e.interactions.size, e_inverse.interactions.size]
counts.all?{ |c| c >= 6 } && counts.inject(:+) >= 30
mg = g.to_mutual_graph(&filter)
*Chapanond, Anurat, Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy, and Bülent Yener. "Graph theoretic and spectral analysis of Enron email data." Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 11.3 (2005): 265-281.
Email normalization
You'll likely want to normalize email addresses before adding them to a graph. Otherwise, you'll end up with separate vertices for different capitalizations of the same address - not to mention differences with '.' placement and other issues.
will do this by default using SoundCloud's
Normailize gem.
You can also pass your own email processing block on instantiation for the
entire graph, or when calling #add_message
Fetching emails
A fetcher for Gmail is included for convenience.
g =
email = "XXX"
# You'll need an OAuth2 access token with Gmail permissions. One way to get one
# is to use the Google Oauth Playground (
# and under "Gmail API v1" authorize "".
access_token = "XXX"
f = email: email,
access_token: access_token )
# This should cover all emails from that account. If no mailbox param is
# provided, defaults to Inbox.
mailboxes = ['[Gmail]/All Mail', '[Gmail]/Trash']
f.each_message(mailboxes: mailboxes){ |m| g.add_message(m) }
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'email_graph'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install email_graph