Tiny programs to submit events to Riemann.
This is a polite fork of riemann-tools, using my riemann-ruby-experiments gem instead of riemann-ruby-client. As a result, events can be batched together to be sent in one message to a Riemann server. Additionally, more control over the TCP socket options is given, and UDP isn’t supported (yet?), because this gem primarily uses net_ruby_client.
Ruby 2.0 or higher (currently only tested on 2.3)
A riemann server to talk to
gem install riemann-monitors
This defaults to connecting to a Riemann server listening on, TCP port 5555.
Riemann-tools programs
This repository contains a number of different programs, mostly identical to those
in riemann-tools
- riemann-httpstatus
Monitoring results of periodic HTTP requests.
- riemann-apache-status
Apache monitoring.
- riemann-dir-files-count
File counts.
- riemann-freeswitch
FreeSwitch monitoring.
- riemann-memcached
Monitor Memcache.
- riemann-proc
Linux process monitoring.
- riemann-bench
Load testing for Riemann.
- riemann-dir-space
Directory space monitoring.
- riemann-haproxy
Monitor HAProxy.
- riemann-net
Network interface monitoring.
- riemann-varnish
Monitor Varnish.
- riemann-cloudant
Cloudant monitoring.
- riemann-diskstats
Disk statistics.
- riemann-health
General CPU, memory, disk and load monitoring.
- riemann-nginx-status
Monitor Nginx.
- riemann-zookeeper
Monitor Zookeeper.
- riemann-consul
Monitor Consul.
- riemann-fd
Linux file descriptor use.
- riemann-kvminstance
Monitor KVM instances.
- riemann-ntp
Monitor NTP
The "stand-alone" tools offered in riemann-tools
aren’t included for now.
Pull requests, please.
git shortlog -n
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 Chris Riddoch Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Kyle Kingsbury